Rare Beautifully awesome run (Read 536 times)

    Wednesday I woke up to a crisp unseasonally early almost autumn morning. It's been a slow sort of week. Easy 12 k on Sunday well within my 5:30/k target pace and rested Monday and Tuesday. Lingering hay fever and a bit of a cough. Well, wednesday morning was magic. Out the garden gate and took a double take looking west: Clear, but moist sky with a full cheesy moon hanging about 15 degs above the horizon. Awesome! Look East, dawn just breaking with the western horizon that orange pink red hue thats difficult to describe, but breathtaking (perhaps giving in this case). MP3 plugged in and off I go, nice pace on the downhill first 3 ks. La Luna smiling her goodbye and ol' Sol greeting the earth ... inspired run! finished 8 k in 38 min flat, not feeling too hard pushed! Best TEMPO run to date has been 4:52/k and that felt hard. Wednesday felt GOOD, and 4:45/k pace the best easy (very subjective) run to date!! Anyone else have similar inspired running moments? Smile Please share!!
    Lincool ;)

    One day at a time

      Yes, a 10-mile run along the shore path in Cape Town, South Africa last November. A cool, sunny morning. Lots and lots of runners. A taxi driver named Peter dropped me off at the path and said he would pick me up in two hours. I started out and felt like I was dreaming! Crashing waves to my right, and huge mountains on my left. I ran past the stadium under construction for the 2010 World Cup (it's such a big deal in SA that there's an electronic sign at the airport counting down the days until it starts!). I ran up hills, down hills, through commercial sections, past hotels, and through areas with no development at all. Ten miles was a stretch for me since I was still recovering from an injury, but it seemed much easier than I expected. That will probably be the best run I ever have! Peter showed up just when he was supposed to, and my family hired him to drive us around the southern tip of Africa for a few days. If I hadn't been a runner, we would have ended up on a big bus tour and missed a lot of cool experiences, such as DD10 getting to swim with the penguins at Simons Town.
        Don't have any great pictures like Therea, but in my past life as a runner (in my upper 20's and early 30's) I was in the army and stationed in Germany. I lived in this little German village called Schwartzenbach and it was quite a way from anywhere. I used to go for these really great country runs on little back roads in and around the area and it was really beautiful and especially in the winter. There were all these little bridges that crossed streams and also some beautiful German Churches and of course a soccer field (in the middle of no where)........ I had a 10 miler that passed thru a couple of other little villages also...... Its was just a really casual and relaxing place to run...and what few German people (mostly farmers in that area) I would see were always very very friendly and fun to stop and visit with....... Its really the one place that I have run in my past, that I still think of often....

        Champions are made when no one is watching