Do you share running with your significant other? (Read 1317 times)

running yogi

    my husband would much rather watch random television...

      My hubby is a dedicated 2-3 hour a day gym guy and I'm a run-bike-swim girl so we're both dedicated to fitness but in different ways.....he does "jog" but won't jog/run with me as he doesn't think he's fast enough.....not necessarily true but anyway.....part of me can see the benefits/enjoyment of running/doing the same sport as your significant other but part of me enjoys my sport being MY sport....I think as long as your significant other is supportive of what you do, all is good! My husband comes to all my races and either video tapes or takes pictures at them and he honestly 'gets' my dedication and passion for my sport and never bats an eyelash when I go for 4 hour rides or training swims with a bunch of men.....really, what more could I ask for??

      2010 results: Muskoka long course: 2km-55km-15km- 1st in age group (qualified for Ironman Canada), 4th female amateur overall; Smith Falls triathlon- first female overall; 5 km Canada Day running race- 20:42 (fourth female overall). My first pure running race! Quinte triathlon 1.5-40km-10km Second female overall; Ktown triathlon -first female overall (2km-55km-15km) Mt Forest triathlon (500-20km-5km) 1st female overall; Brockville triathlon (750-20-5km) 1st place female overall

      2011 results: (Racing with Piriformis syndrome-ouch)  Sydenham Triathlon- 1st female overall; Peterborough Triathlon-4th female (out of 185)and 1st in age group.....



        I'm with you, Trigirl!!  My hubby is also a gym rat and does bodybuilding competitions.  The best part is that he can understand the "sickness" -- that drive to do it just one more time..... but better.

        Professional Noob

          Met some new neighbors tonight.  They were shocked to hear that my bf and I had just been out on a bike ride.  When one of them read my bf's t-shirt (a race shirt), he immediately commented, "What, you're a runner too?  You guys are too healthy for me."




          It was like a total "us" and "them" moment that I totally didn't see coming.  But I can tell ya, I'll never date a non-exerciser again!  What a difference having understanding and support can make...

          Roads were made for journeys...


            My wife and I are very competitive runners and have been married to non runners.  Our life now is so much easier, she would rather race then watch me.  We get comments about going away to races and having fun with it. Life is good!



            One day at a time

              Just going on regular runs adds so much to vacations!  Our whole family of five did that in Mexico last month.  We saw parts of the town that we never would have without getting out on the road.  The two younger kids complained at first, but they ended up enjoying it a lot.  It's cool to find races to do, too.  I did a fun one in Austin last year that went around the state capitol.  Lots of good music and food.  I'm glad DH supports me, even though he's not nearly as serious about running as I am.


                I'm single when it comes to running.  My wife has no desire or ambition to exercise.  I've tried to get her to try biking with me but that doesn't interest her either.


                So she get's upset with me at times because I spent so much time running and exercising etc and so many late dinners.  Then at other times she's very supportive of it. 


                Then there is the aspect that she gets jealous that I meet other woman in my running endeavors.  She really got upset last week when my niece's finacee made a comment about all of the women in FL that seemed "Very friendly" to me.




                "Today I broke my record for most consecutive days lived!"
