What to do with used tennis balls (Read 581 times)


    dh plays tennis, but never knew what to do with used tennis balls, but we don't want them around. does anybody know if can they be recycled any ideas about what to do with them Thanks

    Reproduction Specialist

      Our dog loves tennis balls. Maybe see if anybody in your area with dogs would want them.

      Good Bad & The Monkey

      dork.major dork.

        Is it wrong that I was expecting this to be a thread about lower back pain and self massage of the back/derrier region?

        Reaching 1,243 in 2008 -- one day, one week, one mile at a time.


          Keep a couple and throw them in your drier to help keep clothes from tangling around each other and taking longer to dry, as well as a non-chemical fabric softener.

          Run to Win
          25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)

          Mishka-old log

            There is a drill that swimmers use to work on their stroke efficiency that involves swimming with a closed fist. There is a natural tendency to cheat when doing this drill by opening the hand a bit to get a better "grip" on the water, but this defeats the purpose of the drill. To eliminate this tendency, some coaches have their swimmers hold onto tennis balls when performing the drill. Short answer: there might be a swimming team/club around you that would have a use for them.

            I've got a fever...

              Is it wrong that I was expecting this to be a thread about lower back pain and self massage of the back/derrier region?
              Yeah, they're good for that, too.

              On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

              Lia's Daddy

                This may sound weird but you should ask your local elementary school if they want them. I'm a teacher and we cut holes in old tennis balls asnd stick them on the legs of desks and chairs. That way they don't scratch the floor when they move around.
                "Stadiums are for spectators. We runners have nature and that is much better." Juha "the Cruel" Väätäinen
                  cut a slit in them and place the legs of patio furniture in them...makes it easier and quieter to move the furniture around...some moving companies use this as well to move furniture around by sliding it on hardwood and tile floors...once again easier than lifting and prevents scratching the surface of the floor. I would suggest take at least a dozen and make your own...we use ours every time time my wife gets the clean and re-arrange everything in the house mood. I am an avid tennis player so understand the issue. Also, any local tennis pro/teacher will take slightly used tennis balls. Most of us open a new can before every match. Simply have a bin and once it gets full of the 1 match played balls...take it to your local tennis pro/teacher/HS Tennis Team ect.
                  2008 GOALS GET BELOW 175 (at 175 now) RUN 6:00 MILE (at 6:29) RUN BELOW 25:30 5K RUN BELOW 55:00 10K RUN A MARATHON (DEC. 6TH - MEMPHIS - ST JUDE)
                    my wife is an elementary school teacher...and she does this in her classroom.
                    2008 GOALS GET BELOW 175 (at 175 now) RUN 6:00 MILE (at 6:29) RUN BELOW 25:30 5K RUN BELOW 55:00 10K RUN A MARATHON (DEC. 6TH - MEMPHIS - ST JUDE)
                      cut a slit in them and place the legs of patio furniture in them...makes it easier and quieter to move the furniture around.
                      We haven't bought real furniture for our deck yet since my husband is so paranoid about destroying the wood with metal furniture. Hmmmm. I wonder if we could make the tennis ball thing work.



                        When I was in high school, I took a syringe and filled my tennis balls up with a mixture of water and waterbed chemicals to make them heavier. The holes resealed themselves within an hour or so of filling them. They worked out great for juggling, plus if I shook them up and made the chemicals foam inside the tennis ball I could do neat tricks with the balls like making them wobble in mid-air.

                        Run to Win
                        25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)

                        Mr Inertia

                        Suspect Zero

                          many schools (younger grades) use them on the bottoms of chairs and seats to keep the floors from scuffing.

                            Thanks for the Great ideas.