Advice on adopting a rescue/fostered dog (Read 230 times)

Hobby Jogger Especial!

    Why don't you just go to the pound and pick one out?  It seems a lot easier and less pressure than making appointments to meet one dog. You can see their personalities right away.  They will let you go in with the dogs, and sometimes bring them out in a grassed area to meet.  I got a perfect little puppy that way.


    This ^. I volunteer at the Idaho Humane Society. The adoptable dogs are located in certain large rooms with kennels. You can take a dog you're interested in out into the play yard and get to know them, for as long as you want to. Take as many as you want out (one at a time of course). In my experience in walking the dogs, I could tell in a few minutes if they were ones I would be interested in.

    Also, don't rule out a dog like above. Just because they're timid, doesn't mean they won't change with socialization.


    Along the socialization lines, I got my running buddy (see avatar) through the Inmate Dog Alliance of Idaho. He was trained in prison by inmates supervised by a professional dog trainer. Many states have these programs. He is kennel trained, obedience trained and does some pretty neat tricks. It might be worth looking into in your area.

    Oh roo roooo!


      Also, don't rule out a dog like above. Just because they're timid, doesn't mean they won't change with socialization. 

      This is also a really good point.  The first 2 dogs we had, it was pretty much what we saw was what we got.  No surprises either big or small.  The current batch of dogs--now this is another matter.  The younger basset was fine when we got him but became very possessive and protective of us after he lived here a while, and to this day we don't let strangers pet him b/c he doesn't always react well.  The terrier mix was very standoffish at first but she loosened up a LOT after living here a while and now loves to lie on her back and get belly rubs which would have been unthinkable when she first came here.


      I guess for me it has never hinged on my finding some exactly perfect dog that meets all my checklist items but more on finding one whose personality seems interesting and then watching that unfold and learning to love them for who they are.  I guess I've also been lucky to never have gotten a hound who had problems that were beyond our abilities to either fix or learn to live with; it surely can happen.

      Will run for scenery.

        I just read this thread and really appreciate all the thoughtful advice.  One thing I might throw into the mix....


        If you are looking for "care bear hugs" and not neccesarily a problem case, I have seen that there are organizations for people with terminal/debilitating illness who want to see their pet go to a good caring home.  This doesn't alleviate many of your concerns about inconvenience, picky agencies, etc., but you would be doing a great service to a dog and its owner and wouldn't have as many "issues" to work through with the dog.


        My sister is a dog rescue volunteer/advocate/owner and I can say that the dogs are very sweet (except for N. !) but they do require "above and beyond" devotion.

        Stupid feet!

        Stupid elbow!


          This is Pfeiffer.  We ran a mile this morning.  He did awesome.  No reason to stop except we all know that beginning runners most often get injured from doing too much to soon.


          He was listed as Lab/Border Collie but it's certainly a guess.  Lab I see, and BC they said was because of the spotting on his white socks.  With those ears, I'd guess pit bull in there too.


          He's great in the house, and, as I said, great running on leash.  He's a handful walking on leash, though, so we'll work on that.  His ability to handle it while running gives me confidence that we can get him to transfer those skills, especially once we the people get up to snuff on working with him on it.  He's estimated at 3-4 years, which was older than I was originally looking for, but my husband really liked him, so that's a good reason to compromise.


          Thanks for all the advice - just had to let you know where we ended up!  Technically, he's now on a 2-week approval, with no-questions-asked/full-refund return to the rescue org available.  We'll do a full vet check and really work on the leash training, but we're hoping it works out!

          Feeling the growl again

            Glad to hear it worked out.  Enjoy the pooch.

            "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


            I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


            12-week layoff

              Our 8 year old lab/GSD mix has walking issues as well, and no amount of training worked with him.  Enter the Halti, which fits around his nose, and stops the pulling and lunging that he routinely does when not wearing it.  He HATED it at first,  (you don't want to let a dog turn around backwards, because he/she can pull it off, and they will also try to scrub it off on the ground) but once he got used to the fact that he was wearing it if he wanted to walk or run, things were great for Jack.


                Oh!  He's adorable!  Glad it's working out for you so far.

                Oh roo roooo!

                  This is Pfeiffer.  We ran a mile this morning.  He did awesome.  No reason to stop except we all know that beginning runners most often get injured from doing too much to soon.


                  What a little cutie!  Glad you found your hound (or the hound found you!).  Wishing you years of companionship and doggie love!


                  not bad for mile 25

                    I already like Pfeiffer!  Congrats!


                    Chief Unicorn Officer

                      He is so cute, congrats! I am sure he is so happy and full of joy that he's found a home, family, and warm safe bed.

                      Mile 5:49 - 5K 19:58 - 10K 43:06 - HM 1:36:54



                        I'd second the Halti or Gentle Leader for leash manners training, if regular training doesn't work.


                        I'd also recommend a harness for running clothes.  It spreads the stress out, in case you and he happen to go different directions.  I got the basic one from Petco (probably THIS ONE) -- works great, and Bear knows it run time when he sees it come out.


                        I run him on the left, and he does very well.  Treats helped tremendously in the early running days (for staying alongside me, not veering off to check something out, stopping when I stop, etc.).  I give him verbal cues for things like to the left/right, straight ahead, and so on.

                        "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                        -- Dick LeBeau

                          Congratulations AnneCA on adding Pfeiffer to your family Smile He's adorable...border collie/lab should definitely be smart enough to pick up proper leash walking quickly Smile


                          Honeypig, I love your perspective "I guess for me it has never hinged on my finding some exactly perfect dog that meets all my checklist items but more on finding one whose personality seems interesting and then watching that unfold and learning to love them for who they are."

                          Menace to Sobriety

                            Congrats, Anne!!

                            Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.

                            Oh roo roooo!

                              Honeypig, I love your perspective "I guess for me it has never hinged on my finding some exactly perfect dog that meets all my checklist items but more on finding one whose personality seems interesting and then watching that unfold and learning to love them for who they are."

                              That's how we do it w/our friends, right?  And dogs are nothing if not our friends, or at least that's how I see it.  Glad you liked that comment!  And dogs are just the greatest anyway, so hard to go wrong....


                                So cute, Anne! Where did you get him? I got both my cats from Milo in Albany.

                                Call me Ray (not Ishmael)
