If you are passing someone in a race - should you say something or not? (Read 1608 times)


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    If it pisses them off, that's just not something I care about. After all, I'm passing them, they're struggling and if they wanted to do me bodily harm, they'd have to catch me first and if the could do that I wouldn't be passing them. Big grin

    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


      Why would untra runners look down on a 10k runner?
      Because they're up on a mountain trail. Duh.

      E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

        You don't need to say a thing. The "hah!" is assumed.

        Why is it sideways?

          I apologize if my earlier posts on this thread set people off. Really I was trying and obviously failing to be funny. I hoped that the high-toned language, the self-referential remarks, and the long-winded rationalizing would clue people in to this. I was also hoping to indicate the ways in which innocent remarks can be misconstrued by gesturing towards a similarity between message board posts and in-race remarks. They are often brief interchanges between strangers ad therefore subject to vast ranges of interpretation. Post at your own risk. Make race remarks at your own risk.


            I apologize if my earlier posts on this thread set people off. Really I was trying and obviously failing to be funny. I hoped that the high-toned language, the self-referential remarks, and the long-winded rationalizing would clue people in to this. I was also hoping to indicate the ways in which innocent remarks can be misconstrued by gesturing towards a similarity between message board posts and in-race remarks. They are often brief interchanges between strangers ad therefore subject to vast ranges of interpretation. Post at your own risk. Make race remarks at your own risk.
            Smile swoon


            Runners run


              I apologize if my earlier posts on this thread set people off. Really I was trying and obviously failing to be funny. I hoped that the high-toned language, the self-referential remarks, and the long-winded rationalizing would clue people in to this. I was also hoping to indicate the ways in which innocent remarks can be misconstrued by gesturing towards a similarity between message board posts and in-race remarks. They are often brief interchanges between strangers ad therefore subject to vast ranges of interpretation. Post at your own risk. Make race remarks at your own risk.
              Tight lipped gag

              E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                I have an image in my head of a hippie strumming a beat up old guitar in a bus terminal in Albequerque. I'm not sure why.

                Runners run


                  This is a TOTAL comet topic. And, based on 1) the other posts the OP has made elsewhere, 2) the number (aka, very few) posts the OP has made, and 3) the participation by the OP in this thread (aka, none), I think the OP posted this specifically to stir shit. Now, does that mean that this topic should not be discussed? Not at all. Carry on. My opinion: everyone is different and there are no categoricals. If you are offering up a "good job" to someone, understand that they may not take it the way you intended it. If you receive a "good job" from someone, understand that they may not have meant it in the way that you took it. Bye now.


                  Why is it sideways?

                    Tight lipped gag
                    I was so tempted to "go JK" on my ultrarunner friend. But the bus terminal hippie took over.

                      This is a TOTAL comet topic. And, based on 1) the other posts the OP has made elsewhere, 2) the number (aka, very few) posts the OP has made, and 3) the participation by the OP in this thread (aka, none), I think the OP posted this specifically to stir shit.
                      Probably. But it was kind of a weak effort, and the responses have been friendly and amusing. Mostly. Although we almost got off on a good tangent with the "ultra runners are snooty" stuff up there. Which is just silly, of course, since they're really joggers. Not runners. Know what I mean?* * Now that's some good trolling.

                      E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

                        I was just thinking -- during my 7 mile trail run this morning -- what weenies ultrarunners are because they walk sometimes and take forever to get where they're going. Cool Seriously, though -- Ennay, if I were to drive up for the McDonald Forest 10K on the 15th -- I would wear a little sign on my back; "10K WEENIE". But not this year....I'm planning to drive south for the Grants Pass half instead.
                        Mr Inertia

                        Suspect Zero

                          My opinion: everyone is different and there are no categoricals.
                          But you just made a categorical statement.

                            But you just made a categorical statement.
                            Heh. Fair enough. You look strong; keep going!



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                              You can tell a race is for weenies if it has water stops or aid stations. Look at the Olympic 100m -- how many of them stop for water partway down the track, or pull out their water bottle, or stuff a gu down? That's what I'm talking about -- real races are fast enough to hold the attention span of an MTV generation viewer.

                              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                              Mr Inertia

                              Suspect Zero

                                Heh. Fair enough. You look strong; keep going!
                                A negative categorical statement which denies the existence of categorical statements followed by a post that has sarcasm, irony and truth! I'm impressed on levels that I can only begin to describe.