Garmin files missing laps (Read 696 times)


    Hi eric,


    I ran the update for the Garmin communicator plugin when prompted last night, and now my uploads no longer have lap data. (chrome browser on windows OS).  The files have them when I upload the tcx via the direct upload, though.  I'm using the Garmin FR60 at the moment, in case that's relevant.

    eric :)


      Which workouts do not have interval data?  Are these recent workouts?  I also sent you a PM to further debug the problem.


      eric Smile


        Hi eric,


        i got your message and will respond.




          Which workouts do not have interval data?  Are these recent workouts?  I also sent you a PM to further debug the problem.


          eric Smile


          My FR60 recent workout lap data are also missing.


          MTA The file import from the .tcx does contain the lap data, but the laps also include any pauses that occured during the lap.


          The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


          2014 Goals:


          Stay healthy

          Enjoy life


          eric :)

            I finally sorted out the changes made by Garmin.  The importer can now read the GPS data properly again.  Please reimport the invalid workouts again.