2015 Boston Marathon Thread (Read 689 times)


not bad for mile 25

    That's a great dream, doctorjen!  Do not wear clogs on April 20. Smile


      I  I usually just watch Spirit of the Marathon to get inspired...  


      I would say the one thing that always surprises me is the anti-climax at the finish.  There isn't a post-race festival that you see at a lot of races.  You walk a very long way, grabbing fluids and food along the way and that's it.  Off you go. 


      never seen it, may have to rent it from amazon.


      this is a good tip to set expectations.  i guess its true of most races; other than gaudy medals, smiling volunteers, free water/bananas (stew?) and sometimes family/friends, there is not much at the end of races.  except to start preparations for the next race...


      to the vets here, is there coffee at athletes village? and any winning WC strategies?

      No Talent Drips


        to the vets here, is there coffee at athletes village? and any winning WC strategies?


        Coffee in the village--yes.

        WC tip: empty your system before getting on the bus (if you're bussing to Hopkinton). That can be a long ride.

         Dei Gratia



          If you're a guy, wear a trash bag, and carry a wide-mouth bottle into the corral. Your own private porta-potty.

            About 5 minutes before the race starts look at the ground and prepare to pick up your feet.  Only the ark will save you from the flood of pee.

              If you're a guy, wear a trash bag, and carry a wide-mouth bottle into the corral. Your own private porta-potty.


              And for you ladies, don't get right next to the guy with a trash bag when he accidentally knocks over said jar. Not that this ever happened to me or anything (it wasn't bhearn just to be clear).


              Even after 10 of these since we moved back to MA, I always go out too fast and really need to be patient. It may be easier to do this year, since it just takes my cranky ole bones much longer to remember how to run.


              Good Luck everyone.


                We are the music makers,

                    And we are the dreamers of dreams,

                Wandering by lone sea-breakers,

                    And sitting by desolate streams; 

                World-losers and world-forsakers,

                    On whom the pale moon gleams:

                Yet we are the movers and shakers

                    Of the world for ever, it seems.


                  I can't believe we are less than two weeks away. I've never been so relaxed, which is a huge contrast to last year's race that soaked up so much energy, both physically and emotionally.


                  On paper I've had my second best Boston cycle out of 5 but not as good as I had for last fall's PR marathon. I'm fortunate to have remained heathy through a few good cycles in a row and am looking forward to not running a marathon for a year.


                  I've got my plan if the weather is perfect, or if it's shit. It's the in between that I'm still pondering.


                  not bad for mile 25

                    Last year there was a big cluster of porta-potties practically unused on the way to the corrals, a couple of blocks down Grove street.


                      Last year there was a big cluster of porta-potties practically unused on the way to the corrals, a couple of blocks down Grove street.


                      Probably because it's a big risk to rely on the very last possible moment to pee. If that doesn't work out you are in the bushes.


                      As for the bottles... there is no reason to spill. Just use the lid.


                      That ain't gatorade!


                        <<==== BTW, that's the Boston Course under my feet. The snow's gone.

                          Two weeks out and my goal of <2:50 is out the window due to a hamstring injury.  The next two weeks will determine if I can attempt a sub 3 or if this is going to be a training run.


                          I am planning some medium hill work today and a tempo run on Thursday.   Based on how those go, I'll come up with a plan.

                            Deluca Sub 3:00 or PR    1/6 2nd Boston.


                            After cutting my run short last night to take an ambulance ride to the ER for some stitches and a CAT Scan I'm going to readjust my goal for Boston to just finish.


                              Wide mouth Gatorade bottles just before the start have been my go to method for the last few races.  Also, I just pretend that no one around me notices what I am doing, and anyway I don't think anyone cares.


                              I would echo a previous comment - the bus ride can be long, during my first Boston 2 years ago there was a women who was in agony when we hit the slow traffic once we got off the freeway and into Hopkington.


                                Deluca Sub 3:00 or PR    1/6 2nd Boston.


                                After cutting my run short last night to take an ambulance ride to the ER for some stitches and a CAT Scan I'm going to readjust my goal for Boston to just finish.


                                deluca hope you are doing