2015 Boston Marathon Thread (Read 689 times)


    Mileage is the biggest predictor of marathon success.


    While pondering things in advance of our little jog I used the power of RA's handy reporting feature to tally my mileage for the 13 weeks prior up to a 2 week taper for my recent successful marathon cycles.


    I can vary workouts, paces, tune up races (or no tune up races) and one constant holds true. Mileage is the biggest predictor of marathon success.


    If you want to do the crime you had better do the time. Wait, that's not how it goes... or is it? Anyway, mileage is the biggest predictor of marathon success.


    year miles result  
    2012 580 3:09:56  
    2014 597 3:08:50  
    2013 621 3:04:38  
    2015 745  ???  
    2014 (fall) 773 2:59:44  
    2011 895 3:03:32  

      Just out of curiosity, what made you pick 13 weeks pre-taper?

      We are the music makers,

          And we are the dreamers of dreams,

      Wandering by lone sea-breakers,

          And sitting by desolate streams; 

      World-losers and world-forsakers,

          On whom the pale moon gleams:

      Yet we are the movers and shakers

          Of the world for ever, it seems.


      not bad for mile 25

        So 773 miles is the ideal amount?  Too late, I'm over that.


          Mine came to 666. Should I be worried?


            Just out of curiosity, what made you pick 13 weeks pre-taper?


            It's about a 15 week cycle (with 2 weeks taper) from New Year's day to Boston. I usually maintain a good base so that's enough of a stretch to be called "marathon training" for me.


              So 773 miles is the ideal amount?  Too late, I'm over that.


              I was actually shooting for over 800 but fell short. This is also the first cycle I went into the marathon without a "consolation prize" from the training cycle. The last race I really raced was 2014 XC Club Nats 4 months ago.


                Mine came to 666. Should I be worried?


                It will be hot. Plan on a big jog-a-thon.

                  You will do awesome!


                  I think I am at about 550 (at best).  Compared to about 700+ when I qualified.  But that was about 18 months ago!!!


                  No expectations at all.  Just want to enjoy my first Boston on relatively light mileage.






                  Mine came to 666. Should I be worried?

                  2018 Goals

                  Figure out the achilles thing...... and THEN try to get running regularly again.

                  No racing goals 


                    Mileage is the biggest predictor of marathon success.


                    I haven't graphed mine, but I wouldn't be surprised that some of my better marathons in the last 3 years have been on lower mileage not higher.



                      I haven't graphed mine, but I wouldn't be surprised that some of my better marathons in the last 3 years have been on lower mileage not higher.


                      For you that kinda makes sense. I wouldn't be surprised to see things a little upside down for those who seriously train for ultras.



                        to the vets here, is there coffee at athletes village? and any winning WC strategies?


                        There are port-a-potties about 200 yards from the start line.  They don't tell you that to encourage you to use at the Athlete's Village.  But, you will have an opportunity to use one after you leave the Village.  But, I would still use the ones in the Village.  I like to cross off things I don't need to worry about as soon as possible.

                          Limping in with 588 miles YTD, on a good year that would be just over two months work.  Ran 3:16 two weeks ago on a fairly tough course and Boston's not a goal race for the first time, so Patriots' Day could be interesting.  Hopefully I'll learn something.

                          Greater Lowell Road Runners
                          Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                          May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.




                            Even after 10 of these since we moved back to MA, I always go out too fast and really need to be patient. It may be easier to do this year, since it just takes my cranky ole bones much longer to remember how to run.




                            I'm trying to tell myself to do the same.  I think I went out too fast last year.  Have a good race!

                            robin from maine

                              Dick and Rick Hoyt, who over the decades have become among the most recognizable faces of the Boston Marathon, may not be running as a team this year, but they are both very much involved in the festivities.

                              Dick Hoyt, 74, on Thursday was named Grand Marshal for this year’s race on April 20.




                                Deluca Sub 3:00 or PR    1/6 2nd Boston.


                                After cutting my run short last night to take an ambulance ride to the ER for some stitches and a CAT Scan I'm going to readjust my goal for Boston to just finish.


                                ((deLuca))    I hope you are okay and healing fast!


                                Runners run