2019 3:20, And Beyond (Read 444 times)


Duke Of Bad Judgment

    I may be a turd, but I'm not The TURD.


    Cutting to the chase, in the past this has been a thread to support each other as we quixotically pursue the goal of a 3:20 marathon, or even faster for some of us (meaning you).  But we're in the US in 2019, so we're going to stop with that supportive stuff and get with the times so we can compete with Facebook..  This is a safe place to have heated discussions speaking past each other, issue personal attacks, and advocate based on whatever facts you choose to make up.  'Nuf said.


    May we all reach our running goals in 2019.


    I have a few races scheduled in 2019, and my goal is to finish those.  I also have a goal of not running a marathon in 2019, although that might change if I make the mistake of thinking about it sometime after a couple beers.

      All hail MAXIE!!!


      I'm going out to run hill repeats tonight in your honor.


      Mother of Cats

        And I see the decomposed feces of a previous Era swept together and set aflame.


        And from those ashes I see a white smoke emit.


        I announce to you a great joy!  We have a TURD!


        A manure-ic messiah to lead us forth into a new running day.


        Dawneth now the sun upon 3:20!

        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


        Cobra Commander Keen

          The Duke steps up to the plate!


          Looking forward to finally getting back out on the roads Sunday or Monday. Except for today (ice/snow falling) we've had really great running weather lately and it's been a bummer to miss it.


          2019 Goals: Moar miles! I'll have to come up with some race-specific ones when I can get a better handle on my fitness.

          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


          Upcoming Races:


          June 28 - Twilight 5000?

          July 4  - Firecracker 5k



          Duke Of Bad Judgment

            This is probably the right time to point out that some brewers can take the time to complain about the lack of a new thread but don't have time to start a new one.  This is the kind of truth we need to speak to each other if we're ever going to achieve our running potential and go to the Olympic Trials together one year.   It's the start of a harsher rougher era here.  I'm good at that - just ask my sons.


            Rovatti: Enjoy hill repeats.  I did some this morning.  I fear that workout beforehand and love it right after it's done.  Then I start fearing it again.

            Darkwave: That was a nice intro pome about the swept-out stuff.

            Keen: Are you still sick?


              Just dropping by to say hi and wish everyone a happy 2019!!


              Not sure about goals here, but a great start of the year for me: I think I'm injured (something at the bottom of the glute/top of the hammstring). I have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, we'll see.



              Happy running everyone! It's been a hell of a year for 320ers.

              5K - 18:03 (5.18) | 10K - 37:58 (2.18) | HM - 1:20:45 (9.18) | FM: 2:57:59 (10.18)


                Dwave:  That was hilarious, and I think "The White Smoke" is a fitting nickname for the new TURD.


                Happy New Year to all.  Work life has basically been hell for several months, and that has continued through the holiday break, so I haven't been around.  Not sure the spring semester will be much better.


                Running:  finished a pretty crappy 2018 with 1,111 miles, with 200+ in both November and December.  So, things are looking up.  Hoping to get back to more serious mileage in 2019.  And I'm officially signed up for the Old Pueblo 50M in early March, and the Kettle Moraine 100M in early June.  Not sure if I'll run a marathon this year. I kind of want to go back to the Door County Fall 50 road race in October.


                Cobra Commander Keen

                  Max - I am still sick, but for the first time in nearly a month I'm quite clearly heading back to feeling normal. Past experience has taught me that running with azithromycin in my system makes it feel like I have zero aerobic endurance, so until about next Friday when it's all metabolized/flushed out I'll just do some slow, short runs and maybe workouts that are more on the anaerobic side. Maybe something involving hills...

                  Pesto - Hate to hear about the glute-string injury. Here's hoping for a good prognosis Tuesday.

                  OMR - Great that things are looking up. I've heard a lot about Kettle. Have you done that one before?

                  5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                  Upcoming Races:


                  June 28 - Twilight 5000?

                  July 4  - Firecracker 5k



                    Keen:  Nope, never run it...or any 100M for that matter.

                    Speed Surplus

                      I am here. 2018 was an OK year, a year in which I set a 10-minute PR in the marathon but still didn't get to run Blasphemy.


                      I only ran 1,438 miles last year, so I'm hoping to do better in 2019.


                      I want to set a 5k PR this year.


                      I'm not sure whether I'll run a marathon this year or not, but I'm getting an itchy trigger finger to register for one now that I have a new year's worth of health money to spend through work.


                      Got a nice little 4 day running streak going so far, so giddyup!

                      5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


                      Mother of Cats

                        My intro (just reused last year's, with a few updates):


                        Darkwave - female and 44 years old.  I'm in the part of Northern Virginia that is essentially Washington DC without the negatives of living in DC proper.  About 50% of my weekly mileage is run in DC or Maryland, not Virginia.


                        I race pretty much everything from the mile (road only) to the marathon.  I avoid track races and I hate trails - I'm an asphalt/concrete princess.   I started running 11 years ago, at the age of 33, so I'm an adult onset runner.  My previous sport was horses - hunter-jumper to be exact.  If you want to see me riding at the age of 17, it's here.


                        I train with a coach and a team (same coach for 8 years now, I think).  It's worked very well for me


                        I have moderate-to-severe asthma (that's what they call it), am allergic to a whole slew of stuff, and have a bunch of auto-immune issues to boot.   I have not, as of yet, been diagnosed with hypochondria.  The asthma and allergies are managed fairly well with medication (all carefully checked to ensure it's allowed under WADA/USADA); I control the autoimmune stuff mainly by lifestyle (diet, etc) and occasionally meds.


                        I'm injury prone and overtrain easily (possibly age, possibly autoimmune stuff) so a fair amount of my training is cross training (pool-running, swimming, yoga, weights), and I run my easy runs very slowly relative to my race paces.


                        (I'm good with punctuation and grammar in general, but abuse parentheticals)


                        I have a law degree and do ediscovery/workplace monitoring work for a large international corporation.  I telecommute full time and live very close to a track and an indoor pool - very convenient for training.  If you're wondering how I fit stuff in - that's how.



                        I live with my boyfriend/partner of a decade and three cats, all defective (one has severe allergies, the other two are visually impaired).  A horse that is sound enough to live happily as a "pasture ornament" but can't be ridden completes our collection.


                        PRs as of January 4, 2019:  Mile: 5:25; 5K: 18:51; 10K: 38:56; 10M: 1:03:55; Half: 1:24:22; Full: 2:57:42.   The half and full PRs are from 2018; all others from 2017.  My hope for the first few months of 2019 is to get all those shorter race PRs updated.




                        SC - you can pay for races with health money?  Wow.  (not that matters to me - I don't have an HSA).


                        Pesto - sounds like high hamstring tendonitis - it's a tough injury to manage.  I've found that it does more harm than good to massage the area where the pain is.  However, work on strengthening the glutes and stretching the hip flexors can make a huge difference (doing both of those reduce the work the hamstring does).  I'm also a fan of prolotherapy and PRP, but that may not work for all.


                        CK - still with the ick?  Sorry.


                        Smax - thanks for picking up the steaming turd.


                        OMR - stuff is definitely trending up.


                        Rovatti  - it's hills for all of us, I guess (I did some too).  That time of year.




                        Did 11 miles, including 7 Iwo Jimas - (it's a lollypop route, structured as ~2 minutes up, ~1:40 second recovery, ~35 second downhill stride, ~60 second recovery.  Also leg strengthwork and recovery swimming.

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                        Running Problem

                        Problem Child

                          Max I believe the 2018 TURD went on to do great things in 2018 so while your goal is to finish these races I think you have more to accomplish than simply finish. I think one of those mistakes should be a marathon in December 2019 along with some other online friends from Oklahoma, Tennessee, or Washington.


                          I probably shouldnt hang hang out here but I’m not on the page of faces so it does well for my social interaction. I also shouldn’t be here because I can’t hang with the 3:20 pace group according to recent results and I’m not even serious about marathon training right now.  Oh and I’m going to talk more about trying to BQ and hit 2,019 miles in 2019.

                          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                          VDOT 53.37 

                          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                          Speed Surplus

                            "SC - you can pay for races with health money?  Wow.  (not that matters to me - I don't have an HSA)."


                            It's not HSA money - my company provides a certain amount of money each year that employees can spend on a variety of health-related things. Shoes, race entry fees, training classes, other equipment. Some things are subsidized at 50% (like shoes) and others at 100% (race entries).


                            The other option is a gym membership (at a very fancy gym near the office). I choose the money, because we already have a plenty-nice gym here at the office. The fancy gym is very, very fancy, but our office gym here has treadmills, showers, and towel service, and that's all I really need.

                            5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12

                            Running Problem

                            Problem Child

                              "SC - you can pay for races with health money?  Wow.  (not that matters to me - I don't have an HSA)."


                              It's not HSA money - my company provides a certain amount of money each year that employees can spend on a variety of health-related things. Shoes, race entry fees, training classes, other equipment. Some things are subsidized at 50% (like shoes) and others at 100% (race entries).


                              The other option is a gym membership (at a very fancy gym near the office). I choose the money, because we already have a plenty-nice gym here at the office. The fancy gym is very, very fancy, but our office gym here has treadmills, showers, and towel service, and that's all I really need.


                              Is it so you don’t become like those video game people who refer to each other with their online name in public when you get the chance to actually meet face to face?

                              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                              VDOT 53.37 

                              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                              Speed Surplus


                                Is it so you don’t become like those video game people who refer to each other with their online name in public when you get the chance to actually meet face to face?


                                I don't know what you're talking about, xXx_Th4sh3r420_xXx

                                5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12