2019 3:20, And Beyond (Read 444 times)


    So the discussion earlier in the week was about how it feels racing as we get slower and slower (not so good, duh!) and whether folks like to race when they aren't in their best shape.  Good discussion.

    My club had our twice-a-year track 5,000 yesterday.  Before the discussion I planned on just going out there and running a temp ish effort since I'm not in shape.  But the "race even when not in shape" crowd won the day.  I had no clue what I could run for 5K but I thought, maybe, 7min/mile might be doable.  Perfect weather.  Started at 7 min and slowly faded, but not too badly.

    Mile 1 was 6:59 (and it felt SO easy!), Mile 2 was 7:10 (working now), Mile 3 was 7:15 (not so easy anymore, eh, smart guy?!).  Finished a little stronger with 6:41 paced last bit.  22:20.  Not too bad, and now I have a stake in the ground to measure progress.  Thanks, folks!

    Since we were going to visit my grandson and family today I knew I wouldn't be running so I threw in another 6 hilly miles after the race for a 11.6 mile day and 37 for the week.  The build is slow but I'm patient.  My legs are just a tad sore as I am not used to 3miles of hard running now.  Good stuff, though. Onward.



      My week...

      M - 4 on the TM

      T - 4.2

      W - 4

      T - 4

      F - rest

      S - 4

      S- 1h bike, 15 miles

      Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33


      Cobra Commander Keen

        Rovatti - Nice 400s!

        DWave - Hooray for the week ending on a high note.

        OMR - Lots of incline work. Race day is a month or so off, right?

        Bleh. In the interest of helping rid myself of two niggles I decided to skip the LR Saturday. I used the weekend to do lots of stretching (largely using a Stretch Out Strap I was gifted for Christmas) and plenty of rolling as well. Flexibility seems to have improved a little already, which is surprising to me. I certainly plan on keeping up with this. I've discovered that my flexibility in my left hip is FAR greater than that in my right - perhaps that was a contributing factor to my injury ~15 months ago. Unfortunately, missing that one run I think also contributed to me skipping today (so far). I may still get out during lunch for a few quick miles and I'll just move my planned workout to tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm just not feeling a real burning desire to get out and run. Maybe I need to pick a solid goal race (of any length) for the fall so I can have something to really look forward to and prepare for.

        5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


        Upcoming Races:




        Speed Surplus

          Whoa, that's a solid pack of 400s, rovatti. How much rest do you take with those, and what do you figure it is in terms of pace? For example, mile pace effort? I enjoy doing repeat 400 workouts, but I rarely have the discipline not to burn myself out after 5-6 reps instead of getting through 10+.


          Sometimes it's nice to race without expectations, I guess, and that's what it sounds like you did, kcam. Did you have others in the club at around your pace to work with?


          My week. Highlights - Did a 5k tempo on the track in the flyknit shoes that aren't precisely the 4% but supposedly have the same plate. I ran roughly 6:40, 6:34, 6:30 and allowed myself a 200m kick that took 38.6 seconds. So, roughly 20:49 for the 5k and I felt totally in control with my heart rate peaking at around 165 toward the end. I think a 5k race effort puts me in the low-to-mid 170s peaking near 180.


          One thing I noticed is that both of my feet, but particularly my right foot, get really hot when I wear these shoes. I think it must be because my right foot is a bit smaller than my left, so the shoe fits a bit looser and my sole is rubbing. I'll try wearing a thicker sock, but has anyone else noticed that sensation in the 4% shoes? It was almost unbearable on the right foot by the end, so I'll have to find a solution if I'm ever going to wear these things for a marathon.


          The other highlight was the 10 miler yesterday. I took it easy following the 5k tempo, but I was shocked to see a heart rate of 130 at 8:30 pace. That's probably 8-10 beats lower than usual under similar conditions.




          <tfoot> </tfoot>
          Day Miles Pace Duration Description HR Egain Link
          Tue 5.1 8:36 0:44 Easy and boring treadmill with one short kick up to 10mph 138 (75%) 0 strava
          Wed 7.1 8:41 1:01 Another indoor sweatfest - ez mill 136 (74%) 0 strava
          Thu 7.1 9:04 1:04 Big loop with Morg 136 (74%) 482 strava
          Sat 5.2 7:05 0:36 2 miles warmup, 5k tempo in the fast shoes. 400m splits 1:37, 1:42, 1:41, 1:41, 1:42, 1:41, 1:39, 1:40, 1:39, 1:40, 1:39, 1:39, 38.6 (200m "kick") 150 (82%) 0 strava
          Sat 1.1 8:47 0:10 Cool down 142 (77%) 94 strava
          Sun 10.4 8:29 1:28 If this HR is to be believed, I'm getting pretty fit. EZ 10 130 (71%) 329 strava
            36.0 8:29 5:05     905

          5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


            OMR - Lots of incline work. Race day is a month or so off, right?

            Bleh. In the interest of helping rid myself of two niggles I decided to skip the LR Saturday. I used the weekend to do lots of stretching (largely using a Stretch Out Strap I was gifted for Christmas) and plenty of rolling as well. Flexibility seems to have improved a little already, which is surprising to me. I certainly plan on keeping up with this. I've discovered that my flexibility in my left hip is FAR greater than that in my right - perhaps that was a contributing factor to my injury ~15 months ago. Unfortunately, missing that one run I think also contributed to me skipping today (so far). I may still get out during lunch for a few quick miles and I'll just move my planned workout to tomorrow or Wednesday. I'm just not feeling a real burning desire to get out and run. Maybe I need to pick a solid goal race (of any length) for the fall so I can have something to really look forward to and prepare for.


            March 2nd, so five more weeks.  I seem to need a goal race to motivate me these days, especially now, as I’ve lost a lot of my prior fitness.  ;-)

            Running Problem

            Problem Child


              March 2nd, so five more weeks.  I seem to need a goal race to motivate me these days, especially now, as I’ve lost a lot of my prior fitness.  ;-)


              I have the same "lack of motivation" for training but apparently TELLING myself I'll sign up for a race works. I have a 5K on St. Patrick's Day I'm going to need to sign up for. Undecided about aiming for Sub-20 or helping RB to attempt to earn his pint glass. I've told him I'll ditch him if it gets close to ME not getting a pint glass. I need a full set and I'm at 3. Sometimes I'm motivated by work (bullshit) as some of my Strava titles (work pace) have reflected in the past.


              keen I have been doing TRX and similar to your stretching I think it's helping get faster...even though I have non-4% nike shoes with some kind of plate in there. I wouldn't be shocked to find out you were somehow overcompensating one side and it lead to an injury. Stick with it. As for getting the run in...that was me Sunday. Tried booking camping for July, had plans to work on the truck (I hate electrical) and being near 50 I knew it would be about 30 minutes. Plus Sunday store runs have sign-in sheets and donuts. It's awesome being the first one back (maple bar) instead of not even KNOWING donuts are a thing on Sunday runs. I knew if I didn't leave for the 8:00am run it wouldn't happen. I'd have been mad about missing 50 and I don't even have a weekly goal.  How is "training" for that April "work marathon" going? Did they ever pull names so you could POSSIBLY save some cash? Reimbursement kinda thing?


              kcam Glad you went for the "race when not in shape" effort. It sometimes takes extra mental effort to go there. Plus a spring time dusting never hurts.


              sc I bet with some motivation you could get below 20 this year.


              My week:

              still having problems with the strava links. Is the RWOL website no longer working? Without the titles this means NOTHING.

              Workout #1

              4x1,200m (CHEWING things up!). Since I don't use a track for workouts it's GPS based distances. 4:40-4:41. Last one FELT fast but was the slowest. Nike shoes are helping, TRX is helping, not being signed up for a marathon is helping. IT. WAS. COLD.

              Workout #2

              1.5E, 7M-10 seconds, 1.5E

              Headwind (light breeze) made the first, and 5th mile chilly. Honey Stinger (organic, gluten free, caffeine free too I think) at the start of mile 6 because "race day nutrition" talk. Surprised myself being able to finish this faster than goal. Nike shoes are helping. TRX is helping. Not being signed up for a marathon is helping. THIS.WAS.COLD. Thermometer in the truck said 50. Weather app said colder. I'm stupid and ran in a t shirt and shorts. It's weird doing 4 miles faster than goal marathon pace with a headlamp, but surprisingly easy.


              TRX seems to be getting better/easier. I just might switch from my 2x12 which has worked for the 30 second workouts suggested to a 3x10 (input?) workout. I like having a 30 minute workout be just a 30 minute workout. I skipped the stretching this week to have an extra 10 minutes to due "dad duties" like "help out with anything you can think of doing right now." I think I've done more TRX this month than the previous 2-3 years I've owned the bands. Thanks dwave and rlk (I think max too) for the early advice about mixing in workouts. It's helping and doesn't seem to be hurting anything.


              EDIT: I think not having the page of faces in my life HELPS marathon training since I have nothing to distract me AND I don't have that whole "you look at social media and everyone's life seems better" think. I stay in the instant grams with my instapot. It is more filling and less social.

              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

              VDOT 53.37 

              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


              Cobra Commander Keen

                OMR - This "lack of motivation" thing for me is quite new. Until I finished my last marathon it was never an issue. I think it's because I hit a goal (BQ, even if it may not be enough to get me in) that I had been working toward for a long time and didn't have anything lined up to pursue after. I'm looking at races for the fall, but the issue with living in an area that is less population dense than most of you is that there aren't a bunch of races already posted that far out.

                Brew - Training for that April marathon feels like it isn't. Feels like it isn't happening, that is. I know there's still a fair amount of time ahead of it, but I'll likely end up using it as a long, supported training run (same with my March marathon). I know there are some of my RBs who are wanting to break 3:30, so I may offer to help with that.
                Work still hasn't drawn names for OKC. They give a coupon code for the people drawn, so the registration fee drops to zero - no reimbursement needed. Delaying (I brought this up in September, I think) has already cost them an additional $20 a head for the full, and if it goes like it did last year they'll wait and it'll cost even more compared to doing it before the end of the year like I suggested. Oh, well. It's not my money they're wasting.

                I think I need to make a point to make some social runs, which is an odd thing for me. Usually I do just fine all by myself, but perhaps getting around some other runners will help with motivation. I could probably make a LRS run at some point during the week, but my opportunities for making a group LR are rapidly coming to an end. I'll miss one weekend for the ski trip, then DD1 and DD2 both start soccer just a few weeks after that and at least one of them will almost certainly have morning games.

                5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                Upcoming Races:




                Speed Surplus

                  "sc I bet with some motivation you could get below 20 this year."


                  I'm pretty sure I could run 19:30 right now. The problem is that I want to break 19. Here's the last freaking TEN 5k times that I've run, going back to 2013 (listed from least to most recent).



                  5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12

                    Whoa, that's a solid pack of 400s, rovatti. How much rest do you take with those, and what do you figure it is in terms of pace? For example, mile pace effort? I enjoy doing repeat 400 workouts, but I rarely have the discipline not to burn myself out after 5-6 reps instead of getting through 10+.



                    200m slow jog recoveries.  I think it's a bit faster than 3K pace for me.   The workout was on an indoor track (which is banked, and a bit springy).  Also, workouts are easier with a club than solo, I find.


                    RIP Milkman


                      200m slow jog recoveries.  I think it's a bit faster than 3K pace for me.   The workout was on an indoor track (which is banked, and a bit springy).  Also, workouts are easier with a club than solo, I find.


                      I ran absolutely absurd times in high school doing 200 meter relays at the Armory (I'm assuming that's where this was). Both one of my favorite places to run, but also the worst, because if you went over 400 meters you couldn't get enough oxygen inside that building. Felt like you were breathing in rubber.

                      5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 



                        Yup, the armory.   Let me know if you ever want to jump in for an interval workout some Tues eve.


                        Mother of Cats


                          My week. Highlights - Did a 5k tempo on the track in the flyknit shoes that aren't precisely the 4% but supposedly have the same plate. I ran roughly 6:40, 6:34, 6:30 and allowed myself a 200m kick that took 38.6 seconds. So, roughly 20:49 for the 5k and I felt totally in control with my heart rate peaking at around 165 toward the end. 


                          Nice tempo - I feel compelled to note that if you believe the NYTimes article, the Flyknit shoes that aren't the 4% but supposedly have the same plate are no different from other running shoes, while the 4% are magic....


                          KCam - feels good to rip off the band-aid, doesn't it.


                          re:stretching - I've come to believe that regular stretching of the front of the hip (psoas and quads) is essential as we age, especially if we sit a lot during the say.  The older you are, the longer it takes for those hip flexors to stretch out when you run, and when they're shortened, your stride is also shortened, and your pelvis forced into a tilt that can aggravate injuries.


                          8 "miles" pool-running and yoga today.

                          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                          Speed Surplus

                            Yup, the armory.   Let me know if you ever want to jump in for an interval workout some Tues eve.


                            Damn, that sounds badass. I wish I could go workout at the Dempsey with a track club 😢

                            5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12

                            Running Problem

                            Problem Child

                               I feel compelled to note that if you believe the NYTimes article, the Flyknit shoes that aren't the 4% but supposedly have the same plate are no different from other running shoes, while the 4% are magic....



                              Don't mention these things around me. The Zoom Fly is what I'm doing my fast running in now and it MUST be contributing to the speed I currently get from these workouts including trying to relax my legs for the majority of the stride except when I need full power to run. There is no other LOGICAL source of excess speed. What does the NY Times know about running anyways? The internal carbon infused plate along with the unique traction pattern are purposefully designed to increase propulsion. The Nike Zoom Fly is built to provide that little extra spring to your step.

                              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                              VDOT 53.37 

                              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                              Running Problem

                              Problem Child



                                I'm going to be looking for this guy when I'm waiting for max to show up in Auburn.

                                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                                VDOT 53.37 

                                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22