2019 3:20, And Beyond (Read 444 times)


RIP Milkman


    Don't mention these things around me. The Zoom Fly is what I'm doing my fast running in now and it MUST be contributing to the speed I currently get from these workouts including trying to relax my legs for the majority of the stride except when I need full power to run. There is no other LOGICAL source of excess speed. What does the NY Times know about running anyways? The internal carbon infused plate along with the unique traction pattern are purposefully designed to increase propulsion. The Nike Zoom Fly is built to provide that little extra spring to your step.


    Have you tried the VF as well? Just curious how they compare. Have heard mixed things.

    5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 



    Running Problem

    Problem Child


      Have you tried the VF as well? Just curious how they compare. Have heard mixed things.


      I haven't. I'm not willing to spend the money, and I can't ever be in the right place at the right time to try them. I think the "poor man's 4%" is working well, but it could all be psychological and mostly tied to marathon endurance, and strength training. I do remember seeing
      (non runner) women wearing them in Chicago as if they're just showing off they can spend $160+ on shoes. Truthfully I don't think I'm enough of a trained runner to benefit from the 4%. I'd probably be better spending shoe money on a coach to critique form, but I'll make excuses why I can't afford/use a coach due to scheduling.


      Side note: There is a 10K Sunday. I've wanted to do it since I've heard about it. I have a workout scheduled for Thursday (7@ 6:50ish) so I'm mixed on skipping the workout and aiming for sub 42 at the 10K, or just running it for fun and a shirt with two other RBs I've done a "race" with. Someone convince me of one or the other please. I'm dumb enough to do the hard workout, attempt sub-42 (PR) then speed work on Tuesday.

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


      Resident Millennial

        i tried a teammate's VFs for a tempo last year - they say don't try to wear them for easy miles - and honestly did not like how they felt at all. very clunky and made my gait weird.

        then i did 2 wear-tests for nike's next iteration of ZF and mostly liked them

        then i bought 2 pairs of the original edition of ZF and i actually like them a lot. wore them for CIM, wear them for easy miles, for track workouts, etc. plus they were like $75 on RWH Smile

        mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


        Mother of Cats



          Side note: There is a 10K Sunday. I've wanted to do it since I've heard about it. I have a workout scheduled for Thursday (7@ 6:50ish) so I'm mixed on skipping the workout and aiming for sub 42 at the 10K, or just running it for fun and a shirt with two other RBs I've done a "race" with. Someone convince me of one or the other please. I'm dumb enough to do the hard workout, attempt sub-42 (PR) then speed work on Tuesday.


          Don't do all three.  You'll be too tired to absorb the benefits of the workouts (so they'll be wasted), and you also won't have a shot of hitting your time goal.


          Personally, I'd skip the Thursday workout, and perhaps the Tuesday workout, and race the 10K all out.  Racing is a skill that needs to be practiced, and you'll get plenty of fitness gains from racing the 10K.


          VF versus Zoom Fly.  I wear the VFs; I've tried on the Zoom Fly but never run in it.  My issue is that with my unstable ankles, I can't regularly train in shoes that cushioned with that high a stack height.  So there's really no reason to buy the Zoom Fly for training.  And if I'm going to buy a shoe for racing, I'd rather pay the extra $ to get the top of the line.  Similar to how I don't stay at Motel 6 when I travel for races.


          As I think I've discussed, I got nearly 200 miles out of my VFs as a half/full marathon shoe.  They've now lost a lot of their cushioning, which makes them more nimble, and so I'm converting this pair to a shorter distance shoe.  If I get another 150-200 miles out of them for that, I'll consider my $250 purchase a very good deal.  I paid about $200 for my original pair of Takumi Sens, and didn't get anywhere near that much out of them.

          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


            My advice is, especially if your primary goal is to BQ, to race the 10K all out but still do the Thursday workout (albeit I'd cut it back to less mileage, maybe 4 at most).  Skip the Tuesday workout for sure though.  10K racing is one of the best 'workouts' you can do for marathon training.

            Speed Surplus

              @Brew - Race the 10k and smash 42.


              RE: VF vs. ZF - I was told that these have the SAME PLATE. I WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK WITH A MANAGER


              For real though, they are undoubtedly a shitload faster than the Pegasus shoes I've been running and racing in. I got em for like $75, too.

              5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12



                Checking in.  Recovery has been rougher than planned.  I have soreness in the lower front pelvis.  Thinking psoas.   I decided to end my running streak (16 months) and take some rest days.


                Brew - go for the PR

                12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place



                  10K racing is one of the best 'workouts' you can do for marathon training.


                  A wise man (now deceased) named Jim2 said the same thing.


                  VF vs ZF - I've compared them twice (on a TM in a running store).  VF is special.  ZF is OK but doesn't work as well.  Also a bit narrower and heavier. Get the VF (even better if you can get the older version for cheap like rlk).


                  Mother of Cats

                    @Brew - Race the 10k and smash 42.


                    RE: VF vs. ZF - I was told that these have the SAME PLATE. I WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK WITH A MANAGER


                    For real though, they are undoubtedly a shitload faster than the Pegasus shoes I've been running and racing in. I got em for like $75, too.


                    Well, yeah, anything would be faster than the Pegasus...  Tongue

                    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                    pie man

                      My 'find a random track for a random workout' really is getting bad.  This time I think the track was .02-.03 short.  But it doesn't really matter cause any workout is a good workout (aligns with the message from the Book Club Track Club this week).


                      I got talked into the Brooks Bedlam at the store.  It supposedly has some energy return tread on the bottom. I wish it didn't.

                      11:11 3,000 (recent)

                        So I'm getting knee surgery in a couple weeks.


                        About a year ago I somehow developed a tear in my quad tendon (just above my patella) - not sure how this happened.  A lump of hard scar tissue (peach pit-sized) formed there which messes up the tracking of my patella....  basically a permanent case of runner's knee.


                        I've been working around it - which means avoiding my quads when i run (and I can't squat or lunge).   So now my quads (especially the involved side) are WEAK.  Also, my patella is somewhat damaged (worn cartilage and edematous bone on MRI).


                        Hopefully surgery on my tendon will get my patella back in its groove and I can rehab my quads.


                        On the negative side, more age-related deterioration.  On the positive side, some concrete improvement to look forward to...


                        Cobra Commander Keen

                          Brew - I agree with everyone else - go smash the 10k.

                          Beryl - Bummer about the rough recovery and loss of the streak. Probably a wise decision, though.

                          PJ - Did you get the shoe inserts as well?

                          Rovatti - I like your positive side there - this could be a great turnaround for you. What's the typical recovery length for this type of procedure?

                          Nike shoes - No comments about performance or anything since I haven't worn them, but am I the only one who thinks they have ridiculous names?

                          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                          Upcoming Races:




                          Running Problem

                          Problem Child

                            rovatti damn that's another big surgery/recovery period. I guess it prevents aging faster if you get it fixed. Maybe ask if they can give you some new young knee muscles and tendons while you're in there.


                            keen All running shoe companies have ridiculous names for their shoes. Brooks Adrenaline (none include), Hoka Clifton (no cliffs around), the entire Salomon SLAB series EVERYTHING (all avoids concrete). I think New Balance is one of the few with quality names because they're numbers like 980 or 1400.


                            10k sounds like I'm going for sub 42 and I'll get over the two hill climbs (5K loop course) where I've seen a few local fast guys slow down 30 seconds. I mean...41:00 is like a 6:30 and I pratically did that for 7 miles (rounding to the most favorable 30 seconds) last week. Skipping the 7 miles kinda seems easy but today's easy run felt surprisingly hard. doomed I know but at least I can get out of watching "The Big Game" and I'm not talking about Cal v Stanfurd. I'm going with teh dwave approach of skip today and Tuesday's workout. Two reasons....one being tuesday is mile repeats and she hasn't steered me wrong before. sh*tty K*TTY this is going to suck....like more than marathon training usually does.

                            Should I keep Saturday to a 12ish mile long run or cap that at 8 and lower the mid 50 "goal" to something less than 50 to focus on the goal?

                            6.5 Friday, 12 Saturday, 9.2ish Sunday.


                            54.45 for the week.

                            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                            VDOT 53.37 

                            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                              So I'm getting knee surgery in a couple weeks.


                              About a year ago I somehow developed a tear in my quad tendon (just above my patella) - not sure how this happened.  A lump of hard scar tissue (peach pit-sized) formed there which messes up the tracking of my patella....  basically a permanent case of runner's knee.


                              I've been working around it - which means avoiding my quads when i run (and I can't squat or lunge).   So now my quads (especially the involved side) are WEAK.  Also, my patella is somewhat damaged (worn cartilage and edematous bone on MRI).


                              Hopefully surgery on my tendon will get my patella back in its groove and I can rehab my quads.


                              On the negative side, more age-related deterioration.  On the positive side, some concrete improvement to look forward to...


                              Sorry to hear.  Did you get a sense of whether or not the edematous bone issue would be resolved after the surgery?  (Not familiar with this, so I was just doing a little reading on the interwebs.  Got the impression it was somewhat case-specific.)

                                Did you get a sense of whether or not the edematous bone issue would be resolved after the surgery?  (Not familiar with this, so I was just doing a little reading on the interwebs.  Got the impression it was somewhat case-specific.)


                                I think the bone edema is like bruising/stress/irritation - which hopefully will resolve if the patella gets back on track.  The worn down cartilage on the back of the patella might be permanent, though.


                                My surgery date just got bumped up to this Tues, which is good, as I'm keen to get it over with.   I haven't yet heard what to expect in terms of recovery (and return to running).