2019 3:20, And Beyond (Read 444 times)


Mother of Cats

    OMR - F all that


    Are we continuing last year's race calendar thread, starting a new one, or is the new TD forcing some sort of shutdown?


    Anyone here running Broad Street?


    I'm pretty sure the new TURD will end the race calendar shutdown if we all commit to avoiding in-race nutrition and start hitting the wall.


    McBen  - I'm planning on Broad Street.  Haven't entered yet - holding off to see if I run any spring races in a time that equates to sub-1:03 (which gets me elite status).


    RLK - now that you are back, how about gracing us with your CIM race report?  (I've been anticipating it Smile )




    12 miles for me, including 8 Iwo Jima hill repeats - roughly 2 minutes up, 90 second jog, 35 second stride, and a bit less than a minute back down to the start before repeating the whole thing.  Also leg strengthwork and recovery swimming.

    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

    Running Problem

    Problem Child

      rlk Some of those WVTC members are from my neck of the woods and aren't actually residents of the areas surrounding the West Valley. I saw a few at a local race, asked about it and got the typical bay area response (#dickheadelite) as if no one outside Saratoga has heard of the area, or I'm supposed to know who they are when they show up to my charity race.


      I forgot my garmin. I'm supposed to do 6x800m, 400 (3 minute) rest today. I skipped/missed last week so I'm pretty pissed off I can't do it at work. Either I do it after work (dark) or move it to tomorrow (probably). So far marathon training has sucked...due to lack of motivation, kids, weather, and me.


      edit: Motivated myself to a "Hanson'like" 4-5 miles at GMP - 10 seconds today. Felt good. Felt prepared from about mile 1.5. Dropped the guys I was running with and just had to run by feel since all I had was Strava. It was hard to know what pace I should be running downhill and when I hit the flat I kind of thought I'd slow down a LOT more instead of speeding up. The GPS doesn't like...6:30 for the final pace and I'm trying to do 6:53. OOPS! Downside of trying to be dwave and not get the data fed. I guess if I do it some more I'll figure out the downhill GMP thingy.

      Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

      VDOT 53.37 

      5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


      Cobra Commander Keen

        OMR - I definitely echo McBen's sentiment.

        Getting up early in the morning when I'm very not used to it is hard. That's a habit I've got to get back in to. Luckily I can get all the miles I anticipated this morning done during lunch today.

        5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


        Upcoming Races:




        Running Problem

        Problem Child

          Getting up early in the morning when I'm very not used to it is hard. That's a habit I've got to get back in to. Luckily I can get all the miles I anticipated this morning done during lunch today.


          I'm often left wondering how I wake up at 4am, or earlier, to run for a few months and within a two week period I'm thinking "FAWK THAAAAATTTT" as if it's completely out of this world. Until summer comes around with 100F temperatures...FAWK SUMMER!.

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


            Dwave:  Right-to-privacy laws really haven't changed, in that parents cannot know student grades (I think unless they go to college early and are not of a certain age, maybe?).  One of my former colleagues (roughly a decade ago), after an exam for which most of her students did poorly, sent an email to the entire class basically telling them how poorly they all did on the exam.  One of the students showed that email to his/her parent (who was an educator in the public school system), and that parent called administration (maybe the president of the college?) stating that FERPA laws were violated, because if you say "most/all of you failed," you are, in a sense, telling one student what everyone else's grade was, and you can't do that.  It was one of a number of things that resulted in her contract not being renewed.


            For these courses I taught last semester, at the midterm, 50% of the class was failing.  I pointed this out in class verbally, but I would never put it in writing out of fear of retribution.


            And I don't understand the texting thing, either.  Totally bizarre.  The administrator who said this also teaches a course, and he told me that he will text his students if they don't show up.


            SC:  Yeah, mocking students in front of class isn't a thing anymore.  Early on in the semester, before I know all students' names, I will take attendance by going around the room, asking them a question about whatever it is we are studying.  Just this simple act of putting them on the spot raises the anxiety level of some students enormously.  It's something I talk about with them - putting yourself in low or moderately stressful situations that really have no long-term impact -- as a way to learn how to deal with stress and anxiety in real-world situations, because a significant percentage do not have this skill entering college.


            Katia:  Your comment reminds me of a report on a local TV station a couple of years ago about new initiatives some institutions are taking to help freshmen transition into college.  Included in that report was the fact that a university in our region has added a course for first-semester students focusing on basic life skills:  one of those skills was "how to wear pants."  I kid you not.


            rovatti:  Yep, totally aware of the anxiety/depression.  The rates are alarming.


            rlk:  When I first read your bio, I missed the word "cat" and was wondering when it was that you had two children.  ;-)


            Brew:  Sorry to hear you find yourself in a toxic environment as well.  I've been doing the "just ignore it all and hope it goes away thing" for a while, but it just keeps getting worse.


            McBen:  Ha!  (F all that.)  Well-played!


            Keen/Brew:  I echo the "getting up in the morning when you're not used to it" sentiment.  This is the start of every semester for me, because I get lazy over the break (in terms of getting up to run before classes).


              Not sure what my last post was on the 2018 thread and I'm too lazy to check, but I got 2018 miles for 2018! I did 66 miles in the last 7 days of the year to get it done. Enjoyed the longer miles.  Decided to start the new year with 2 days off as I was in CA and doing a little mountain biking, hiking, and time with extended family.  Turns out this was ill timed as it was followed by a nasty respiratory infection, which I'm still working on. I had planned to run yesterday, but was having increased HR and breathing just going up and down our stairs, so decided to hold off.  Now it's been 9 days since my last run! I'll get back to it soon I hope.


              Max: It is only natural that you assume the dictatorship. Congratulations?


              Kcam: welcome to the thread!


              OMR: That really sucks. Sorry your administration is not supportive of your standards. It sounds like we are all supportive of your standards, but not sure that gets you anywhere.


              Keen: I'm with you on the getting back to waking up early thing. Vacation and sickness have thrown my routine out of whack and I know until I get back to my regimen my training will not come back.


              Brief Intro:

              33 year old father of 3 (ages 4.5, 2.5, 1) living in East TN. Married, going on 10 years. Wife sometimes runs, but is a barre instructor and sticks to that for the most part.  I've been running off and on since I was 12, but have focused on the marathon the last 3 years, gradually going from 3:40 to 2:57. Main running goal is to enjoy this activity for as long as humanly possible, but I don't mind getting faster either.


              Next goal race is Cherry Blossom 10 miler and then maybe a fall marathon. I hate 5ks and 10ks, but will likely do a few this spring as well.

              Road Mile: 5:19 (2017), 5k: 17:09 (2021), 10k: 35:54 (2021), HM: 1:21:55 (2020), M: 2:53:18 (2021)



                Katia:  Your comment reminds me of a report on a local TV station a couple of years ago about new initiatives some institutions are taking to help freshmen transition into college.  Included in that report was the fact that a university in our region has added a course for first-semester students focusing on basic life skills:  one of those skills was "how to wear pants."  I kid you not.




                I suppose in some ways it's impressive that one can, in theory, get themselves into a higher learning institution and still not know "how to wear pants".  It's so bizarre when you think about it that some 18 year olds are being deployed in the military and some can't figure out what to do with articles of clothing, but I guess that's where we're at.

                PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)

                Speed Surplus

                  "Just this simple act of putting them on the spot raises the anxiety level of some students enormously.  It's something I talk about with them - putting yourself in low or moderately stressful situations that really have no long-term impact -- as a way to learn how to deal with stress and anxiety in real-world situations, because a significant percentage do not have this skill entering college."


                  Yeah, this is an essential skill in LIFE. I've had a panic attack in a business meeting before, and I can get anxious during presentations, so I understand where they're coming from, but it's something you have to work on rather than hide from.

                  5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12

                     .... get themselves into a higher learning institution and still not know "how to wear pants". 


                    To be fair, they do have the "low-rider" option, which my generation never had.  It's more complicated now.

                    Strict WTF adherent

                      Wait, we're supposed to be wearing pants?


                      Mother of Cats

                        Wait, we're supposed to be wearing pants?


                        Don't ask me - I've telecommuted the past decade.



                        8 miles very easy to yoga (9:24), yoga, and then another 4 very easy (8:59) plus drills and strides.

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                        Running Problem

                        Problem Child

                          omr I've been doing the "offer suggestions viewed as criticism as often as possible to try and help change things" and it hasn't worked so I'm going with the "do as you're told, and don't ask us for clarification" direction.


                          ace: I need your address at some point. I'll find something to mail you. Maybe it's a box full of glitter.


                          I just discovered the BATFE is shut down (my wife married me because I'm funny) which means no new craft beer labels can be approved. This means everyone is stuck with what we have. I guess there is nothing new in the wine business these days.


                          How to wear pants? Throw them in the trash and put on shorts. #californiaproblems

                          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                          VDOT 53.37 

                          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                            So many have welcomed me to the thread ... Thanks, all of you.


                            In just a week or so of running again (off Oct thru Dec) I feel like I'm getting back in shape, yay!  I hope to keep improving fitness incrementally while keeping the hamstring tendonopathy at bay.  I'm religiously doing exercises to improve the odds of this.  I'll also go see a doc here pretty soon to see what they say about it.  Don't really expect any miracles from them, though.


                            Bay Area Peeps:  No, I don't know why there is a WVTC and a WVJS but I know both clubs have been around since the 60's.  WVTC has become a very competitive open runner oriented club while WVJS has withered on the vine and only really fields masters and above teams.  We're a very good group of older runners but it seems our club will likely either die out or combine with another in the next 5 or so years.  Sad.


                            Duke Of Bad Judgment

                              Driving by for 3 things:


                              1) OMR:   That all sounds rough.  I hope it leads to better things eventually, after you get through the not-fun times.


                              2) I'm way behind on everything, i.e. I'm not treating you especially poorly, I'm treating you as poorly as everyone else.  So you should feel good.


                              3) I managed to track down the Book of 3:20 in a local pawn shop. (Many people have told me that a previous TD pawned it to fund her groovy SF Timothy Leary micro-dosing, I'm not saying it's true though.)  In the race calendar portion (Section 173.A.ii.2.b.V.c) it says the following "Race calendars are for the entitled.  If you can't keep track of when your own races are, you probably shouldn't be running.  The TURD is not going to text you to remind you that you have a race coming up.  Grow up.  Although it might be interesting to know when other people are racing, releasing that info would be a violation of USATF-FUR-PA standards.  Finally, it is highly likely that the current TURD didn't look at the race calendar even once last year and wouldn't have the first clue about how to create a so-called "race calendar", where to put it (where the sun doesn't shine?), etc..  If there's a genuine need, it will magically happen because someone more trustworthy than The Real TURD took it upon themselves to compensate for the gaping leadership vacuum."  Given all that, I'm not too comfortable making a race calendar - I'd love to but it seems like bad juju that would prompt the Great TURD In The Sky to have me smote down by someone named Vinnie.  Or maybe Vlad.



                                Hello fellow inmates. Nice to see some familiar faces. I can't make promises, but maybe I will start posting again if I get my running going again. Be advised.

                                Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33