Athlinks redesign (Read 409 times)


    For those who use Athlinks, looks like they rolled out a totally redesigned site this morning. On first glance, looks like a cleaner interface with more user friendly filtering options. Kinda like it. My races times still suck though Smile


      Wow.  Indeed they have massively improved the site.  It looks a LOT better than it did.

      - Joe

      We are fragile creatures on collision with our judgment day.


      delicate flower

        Wow, I like it!  The overall Athlinks rankings are pretty cool, though I'd like to see mine improve.  Top 20% on average ain't all bad though.  Smile   Looks like they're still completing the switch though...some of the functions are not working yet.



          I joined that site a while back but still don't understand what value it has. I can see all my past race results but beyond that I don't know how useful it is. Am I missing something? What do you all do on that site?

            I just opened it and found the most annoying advertising ploy.


            "All of my race results in one place? Finally."

            I wasn't thinking that. You're not quoting anyone. So, what gives? You trying to put thoughts in my mind?  


            I have only one thing to say to you:

            "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

              I joined that site a while back but still don't understand what value it has. I can see all my past race results but beyond that I don't know how useful it is. Am I missing something? What do you all do on that site?

              Lot cleaner look. Doesn't list all of my races, probably a good thing. Only use it once or twice a year, if that often.

              Get off my porch


              Options,Account, Forums

                I occasionally use it to look up other people's race times. That's about the only purpose I've found for it.

                It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                  I occasionally use it to look up other people's race times. That's about the only purpose I've found for it.


                  +1.  Keeping tabs on the competition.

                    I use it to look at my old results.  They have 187 of my races.  I like to see my sorted progress for each distance.  I recently had a disppointing half marathon.  I used Athlinks to see when the last time that I ran that slow was.  I'm on there often maybe once or twice a month after I do a race to add my results.


                      I make sure all my new races get added to Athlinks, but I don't use the site very much.  I like having my race results in one place, but I think they could do a lot more with the data that they have.  I use spreadsheets to track the VDOT of each race and then I chart the VDOT of my PRs to see how they compare over different distances.  They could do all that stuff for me and also calculate age-graded performances so I can easily compare my 10K last week to one I did 10 years ago.


                      If they had more features that actually allow me to analyze my race times, I would spend more time on the site.  That said, I like the new look.

                      2013 goals: 800m: 2:20 | mile: 4:59 | 5k: 18:59 | 10k: 39:59 | HM: 1:32 | Marathon: 3:20


                        I occasionally use it to look up other people's race times. That's about the only purpose I've found for it.



                        It's great for that, for us nosy bastards. Friends, acquaintances, famous people, whatever. Helps if they have a not-so-common name.

                        We just interviewed a guy whose resume listed running as one of his hobbies. I checked Athlinks & he came up empty. I was almost tempted to challenge him on it in the interview, but managed to restrain myself.



                          Just checked it - if you are looking for someone who is not a member, it used to let you filter the results by exact name & state. I no longer see that you can do this, unless I am missing it.



                          delicate flower

                            Just checked it - if you are looking for someone who is not a member, it used to let you filter the results by exact name & state. I no longer see that you can do this, unless I am missing it.


                            Their current Facebook status says they are still working on the upgrade and have not rolled out all the old functionality yet.



                            ETA:  I use Athlinks to stalk race results.  I stalk results from prior years, I stalk other racers, and I stalk people that have competed in the same events as me ("Rivals", on their website).  Runners who used to beat me are no longer beating me.  I dig that.



                              Another thing I've always found strange is that in the list of search results, it does not indicate race distance. This is not always clear from either the race name or finish time.




                                One interesting feature, is the ability to see participant numbers over the years in some races.


                                I looked at the Silver Comet and the decline when the Atlanta marathon moved to be the day after the race is quite pronounced.

                                5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                                10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                                HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                                FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18

