Searchable User Log Statistics (Read 711 times)

    Was thinking, don't we all here want to know how we stack up against an average runner? Wouldn't you like to know how far the average RunningAHEAD member runs every week? Wouldn't you love to know what the average pace of all the members? It would be great if there was a simple way to get something like that done.
    eric :)

      Hi Chris, I could add this feature, but generating this data will be quite db intensive. I am putting in the infrastructure to reduce the workload of the server and it will come out with the new log. This will have to wait until at least after the new log. eric :-)
        Hi Chris, I could add this feature, but generating this data will be quite db intensive. I am putting in the infrastructure to reduce the workload of the server and it will come out with the new log. This will have to wait until at least after the new log. eric :-)
        Thanks for the response. I am just throwing out ideas here and just wanting to see what sticks Smile