Pretty pics from your run (Read 1294 times)

Joann Y

    ok, one more. These are all from the Horse Gulch Trail in Durango Colorado.



      This is from last Saturday's run.



      Mt. Washington ?









        Runners run


        2/3rds training

          Summer thunderstorm rolling into Flagstaff...just beat it home at the end of a lovely 20 miler through the woods.



            Not a whole lot to see where I normally run (cotton fields) but this was a really nice sunset the other day.

            Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

            Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

            Joann Y

              Out for my run today, truckin' like the do-dah man and caught this seen. I set out running, but I take my time... so much to see.. ripple on still water, blossoms blooming, singin' like a summer breeze. No rain falling from a heavy sky, sometimes the light's all shining on me. Anyway, back home to sit down and patch my bones.


              Joann Y

                Wasn't all hippies and hot dogs though, also got this shot.



                  In case you're stuck in the heat, a little 58 and foggy to cool you off.  Those stairs'll just about kill you, though.

                  And a view of what's at the bottom of that ravine:


                    Charlottetown PEI, during a Canada Day run:


                    First or's the same finish line

                    HF #4362


                    Good Bad & The Monkey

                    Joann Y


                      old woman w/hobby

                        Looks painful.





                        Good Bad & The Monkey

                          Took a little jog in Frozen Head State Park yesterday.



                            This morning from the highest hill in town...100 foot flagpole sticking up next to the churches.

                            Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                            We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                              Just got back from Mount Desert Island. I am going to miss that place. This was from an easy 6 miler.


                              Runners run