Pretty pics from your run (Read 1294 times)


    The Air Force Memorial at dawn.


    Joann Y



      Couple of pictures from Lake Michigan today.

      Joann Y

        While I'm posting, a couple more:




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          beautiful lakefront shots, and beautiful AF memorial photo!

          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


            Agree.  I was in DC in 2007 and, somehow, we missed the AF Memorial.  Need another trip.  Joann, where and what are the last two pictures?

            Joann Y

              Agree.  I was in DC in 2007 and, somehow, we missed the AF Memorial.  Need another trip.  Joann, where and what are the last two pictures?


              Those last two pictures are from Chicago Avenue. Most direct route I've got to get to Lake Michigan which is about 3.5 miles from me. You see a lot of those old water towers (don't think any function as far as I know) along with churches and bars around town. I've gone up and down that street a ton of times but never bothered to look up the name of that church. It's St. John Cantius Church and apparently was in a scene from the movie Only The Lonely with John Candy. It's prettier when you see the entirety of it but even that little bit is pretty grand.


              Good Bad & The Monkey

                ugh never mind...

                Prince of Fatness

                  Some pics from my run this past weekend.  This is the Palmer Bike Path, which is a rail trail just outside of Easton, PA.


                  Not at it at all. 


                  not bad for mile 25

                    Your photos reminded me of a couple I took Saturday:





                    Runs with the pack

                      Plenty of nice shots. There are lots of times I wished I was carrying a camera or a phone, but I just hate to carry extra "stuff" like that.


                        My reward for getting up early today.



                        not bad for mile 25



                          Good Bad & The Monkey

                            From this afternoon's run. No filter here.