Is running on a treadmill acceptable for a long run? (Read 1406 times)


    You can't just take the treadmill outside. For the Garmin to work, you need to put it in the back of a flatbed truck and sync up the truck speed and the treadmill speed. It works best if you can get Keanu Reeves to drive the truck.

    Non-Stroller-Still Crazy

      I do have to say, this has been a really enjoyable thread, Just one question. I know, I'm not as educated as most of the participants of this thread, but how does a Garmin work on a tread mill?????
      Actually, my new 405 works extremely well even in doors. I had to be near a window but it showed that I had done about 1.02 miles(Motion of my arms) and the heart rate monitor works where ever you are. It is also Funny how the average moving pace actually ended up to be close to my actual moving pace. Garmin report Map of run Oh yea look at the temp readings! It was 13 F outside. That is why I choose to run in the 70+ degree in doors.

        Oh yea look at the temp readings! It was 13 F outside. That is why I choose to run in the 70+ degree in doors.
        Well, to each his own... no contest there, for me.

        Non-Stroller-Still Crazy

          Well, to each his own... no contest there, for me.
          So you would have chosen the treadmill as well?........ Just kidding. Yes too each his own. I might do 22 on the treadmill tomorrow just because it is going to rain!

          I've got a fever...

            I do have to say, this has been a really enjoyable thread, Just one question. I know, I'm not as educated as most of the participants of this thread, but how does a Garmin work on a tread mill?????
            Garmin makes a footpod that you attach to your shoe. It's an accelerometer that measures your speed/cadence when you can't get satellite. It's made for use on treadmills and indoor tracks (where I find it really handy -- who wants to count laps on a 12-lap to the mile track?)

            On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


              I have to get me one of those. I use a knitting counter for my track work.