BAA 5K Training (Read 34 times)




    Got into the Boston 5K which is April 13th and really hoping to target this for a PR (under 22:50). Put about 650 miles last year, raced a 5K race on New Years day and then decided to take 2 weeks completely off. Ran 4 easy miles last night and will continue to do the Saturday, Sunday. Wednesday training schedule for 2019. So about 12 weeks to go what would you suggest for a good build up? Also have a St Patrick's race March 9th.


    This is my effort scale:


    Easy - 147 bpm or lower

    Medium - 150 to 160 bpm

    Tempo - 160 to 170 bpm

    Intervals - 170-180 bpm

    Race - 180 bpm


    This is what I was thinking:


    3 Weeks (1/13 - 1/27) - 3 easy runs (4 to 5 miles) = 12 to 15 mpw


    3 Weeks (2/3 - 2/17) - 2 easy runs (4 to 5 miles) - 1 long run (med pace 6 to 8 miles) = 14 to 18 mpw


    2 Weeks (2/24 - 3/3) - 1 easy run (4 to 6 miles) - 1 long run (med pace 7 to 10 miles) - 1 tempo run (med/high pace 4 miles) = 15-20 mpw


    Race 3/9/18


    The next month is where I am looking for some suggestions. I know I need to do some track workouts so thinking about doing some track intervals to replace the tempo runs on Wednesdays. The 20 mile per week is about what I can commit to so there is not much I can do about that.


    Really appreciate any advice or feedback of any kind.


    Thank You,

