Is It Okay To Run In A Cemetary? (Read 2197 times)


    that's a good question. although it is a quiet place, I would not, and def. not if there is a funeral.

      Big grin Click
      Heh! I was sure I did somewhere.

        that's a good question. although it is a quiet place, I would not, and def. not if there is a funeral.
        But what if there's a leppard?



          But what if there's a leppard?



            We ran through a cemetary in college almost every day on our warm-up. It wasn't a very active one; I don't remember there ever having been a service. I don't think the dead people minded too much.
            Yeah, that's part of what's got me confused about some of these opinions. I can't even remember ever running into an actual service in a cemetery. Definitely not at any time of day I'd be running. How many services does the average cemetery have in a day or a week? (Hey. Mortuary Girl. That's your cue. Fill us in.) Jim R: you run in one every day - how often do you actually see a service going on? Ever? Is the cemetery big enough so that you can run on the other side without being noticed? And does any of that make a difference, or are we all just stomping our feet and ignoring stuff like that? Maybe there's a different question for you grumpy gusses to bat around: what if its a historical cemetery with no further future burials? Does it make a difference? I'm pretty sure that cemetery by Greer Stadium with the Memorial Day 5k hasn't had a burial since the Roosevelt administration. Or maybe not. Serious question for Jeff and other Nash-villains: any good ones to run in in Nashville, preferably on this side of town? This thread has inspired me. -------------------- And some fuel for the fire: you knuckleheads arguing about apples and oranges are forgetting something that takes place in cemeteries, almost constantly, and is a lot more distracting than cars and runners put together. And which would be really hard to do away with. And which you may well have seen going on during actual services - I know I have. Bet Mortuary Lady can figure it out. Okay, back to the silliest argument in RA history. Ready, set, go. Unleash the comet topic zombies. Oh - and its "cemetEry" for God's sake. Illiteracy is bad.


            Why is it sideways?

              Cemetary cemetary.
                I wanted to point out that this whole argument is tainted by the fact that all of us live in different places and come from different backgrounds where "cemetery" means very different things. Around here, the cemeteries (even the city cemetery) are very rural teeny tiny places. I almost never see anyone else in the cemetery when I am there, which is very often for work and when running. I don't know of any family I have ever served that has felt funny seeing people walking/running through the cemetery...and I'm the undertaker. People complain to me a lot about various things at our local cemeteries (like that the person mowing almost ran them over, etc), so if there was ever a problem or if someone took offense, I would have heard about it. Also, the high school track and cross country teams regularly run in both of our local cemeteries. Please don't assume that a car in a cemetery is commonplace everywhere. Many cemeteries allow and invite walkers, joggers, and people having picnics but ban cars from the cemetery entirely. We all come from different places and different backgrounds, so this argument is difficult because we don't all see where the other person is coming from. I don't expect that we'd come to any sort of a consensus here. I think we should just agree that it is ok not to all agree! MTA: It's cemet E ry. MTA for JK: In my opinion, Also, modified because I can't spell either Tongue

                "Life is short... running makes it seem longer." - Baron Hansen


                  I wanted to point out that this whole argument is tainted by the fact that all of us live in different places and come from different backgrounds where "cemetery" means very different things. Around here, the cemeteries (even the city cemetery) are very rural teeny tiny places. I almost never see anyone else in the cemetery when I am there, which is very often for work and when running. I don't know of any family I have ever served that has felt funny seeing people walking/running through the cemetery...and I'm the undertaker. People complain to me a lot about various things at our local cemeteries (like that the person mowing almost ran them over, etc), so if there was ever a problem or if someone took offense, I would have heard about it. Also, the high school track and cross country teams regularly run in both of our local cemeteries. Please don't assume that a car in a cemetery is commonplace everywhere. Many cemeteries allow and invite walkers, joggers, and people having picnics but ban cars from the cemetery entirely. We all come from different places and different backgrounds, so this argument is difficult because we don't all see where the other person is coming from. I don't expect that we'd come to any sort of a concensus here. I think we should just agree that it is ok not to all agree! MTA: It's cemet E ry.
                  You can just take your actual knowledge and facts and reasonableness and get outta here, missy. This is for opinions. Apples and oranges and stuff. Sheesh. Get with the program.


                    And some fuel for the fire: you knuckleheads arguing about apples and oranges are forgetting something that takes place in cemeteries, almost constantly, and is a lot more distracting than cars and runners put together. And which would be really hard to do away with. And which you may well have seen going on during actual services - I know I have. Bet Mortuary Lady can figure it out.
                    Are you talking about the savage wild dogs that run rampant with barred teeth and leave deposits behind? Wink No, really, what ARE you talking about? There are lots of odd things that I know of happening in cemeteries. Please, enlighten me as to which one you refer to!!!

                    "Life is short... running makes it seem longer." - Baron Hansen

                    Why is it sideways?

                      I think he's talking about the lawnmowers. MTA: It's "consensus." Wink

                        Are you talking about the savage wild dogs that run rampant with barred teeth and leave deposits behind? Wink No, really, what ARE you talking about? There are lots of odd things that I know of happening in cemeteries. Please, enlighten me as to which one you refer to!!!
                        Psst. You already got it. I highlighted it in your answer above. The guy that runs people over. MTA: Jeff is wicked smart. Hey, Jeff. This made me think of you: How many surrealists does it take to plug in a light bulb? Yarn.


                          Bummer..thought you had some dirt or a good story. I have found people makin' whoopie in the cemetery, though. Big grin And, I was chased by a turkey in a cemetery once.

                          "Life is short... running makes it seem longer." - Baron Hansen

                          Why is it sideways?

                            How many surrealists does it take to plug in a light bulb? Yarn.
                            Good one.

                              Bummer..thought you had some dirt or a good story. I have found people makin' whoopie in the cemetery, though. Big grin And, I was chased by a turkey in a cemetery once.
                              See that's the kind of stuff I was looking for. I know you've got some freaky stories. I just know it.



                                Jim R: you run in one every day - how often do you actually see a service going on? Ever? Is the cemetery big enough so that you can run on the other side without being noticed? And does any of that make a difference, or are we all just stomping our feet and ignoring stuff like that?
                                I run throught it every few weeks, actually, not every day. It's about 4 miles away so I'll scoot that way on a longer run and double-duty it by tidying up the plot. When I've seen an actual service going on I detour a different way. It's a big cemetary, lots of ways around. It's a lot easier to detour on foot than in a car. I've driven through it when a service was in progress and and had that 'Oh, shoot' thought cuz I now couldn't turn around or anything without making even more of a commotion. in a car, people will give you that look as you drive by as though you shouldn't be there. On foot, unless I actually pounce right on it (not likely), I can scoot elsewhere and never be noticed and never be an issue. Individual visitors don't even notice me, running or driving, they're too busy with their own things.