Post Your Small, or Big, Victory For The Day! (Read 5844 times)

an amazing likeness

    Today I set out and finished a run. 3 miles, slowly, but non-stop jogging, real work. I have logged my first run of 2010. 158 days since coming to face down in the road.


    My sincere thanks to all here at RA who have 'listened' to my story with genuine concern and encouragement.

    Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

    The King of Beasts



      that is great to hear, i am glad you are getting back.  you really kept active with the walking.

      "As a dreamer of dreams and a travelin' man I have chalked up many a mile. Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks, And I've learned much from both of their styles." ~ Jimmy Buffett


      "I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."”


      Good Bad & The Monkey


        Today I set out and finished a run. 3 miles, slowly, but non-stop jogging, real work. I have logged my first run of 2010. 158 days since coming to face down in the road.


        Great news! 


        MM #2929

        Prince of Fatness

          What Trent and A1 said.  Good to see you back running.

          Not at it at all. 

            What Trent and A1 said.  Good to see you back running.

             Me four!

            "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus

              What Trent and A1 said.  Good to see you back running.


              Me five.

              When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

              an amazing likeness

                My Sincere thanks to all for letting crow a bit about it !

                that is great to hear, i am glad you are getting back.  you really kept active with the walking.


                Once I could stand, I decided to just try to keep moving for 1 hour a day.  What's been amazing is how early on, that 1 hour meant maybe a trip to the end of the street and back, followed by 8 hours of sleep and pain.  Today, that 1 hour is still not very far, but its a heck of a lot less pain and is steady 20 - 25 miles / week.


                Reading my diary of notes from those early days is like trip to a distant place at times, at others it's as near as this morning.  It would take an hour just get out of bed and get shoes and clothes on to walk to the end of the street and back.  I do not miss those days.


                Good to see you back running.


                One quick 3 mile jog around may be a start, but what a long journey I have to go to get back to calling myself a "runner". Man, oh man, I am sore today.


                But I actually did think of you yesterday while jogging, in between muttering "ouch...owe...son of a beech...owe..", reflecting on the my last run before this one (back in Oct), when I was pretty sure I'd be able to hang with you and LTrain for the 1/2 and be there at the end. As I struggled along, my thought was " are a freakin' long way from those times bud...".

                Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

                The King of Beasts

                  " are a freakin' long way from those times bud...".

                  yea, but you are on your feet. Thats gotta be worth a lot.

                  "As a dreamer of dreams and a travelin' man I have chalked up many a mile. Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks, And I've learned much from both of their styles." ~ Jimmy Buffett


                  "I don't see much sense in that," said Rabbit. "No," said Pooh humbly, "there isn't. But there was going to be when I began it. It's just that something happened to it along the way."”


                    Today I set out and finished a run. 3 miles, slowly, but non-stop jogging, real work. I have logged my first run of 2010. 158 days since coming to face down in the road.


                    My sincere thanks to all here at RA who have 'listened' to my story with genuine concern and encouragement.


                    MT, I remember reading about your accident.


                    Congrats on the 3 miles!  I'm sure all the cross training you've been doing has helped your recovery and kept you fit.


                    Before you know it you'll be back logging lots and lots of miles!


                      How about a non running victory?


                      I was in Madison, WI this week and secured some New Glarus Brewing Company beers! 


                      Cherry Stout, Stone Soup and Spotted Cow!


                      Oh, and the first of the season Bell's Oberon.


                      I look my best blurry!

                        Dreamless and I set a new PR today at the Ole' 5K 21:11

                        Consistently Slow


                          Run until the trail runs out.

                           SCHEDULE 2016--

                           The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                          unsolicited chatter


                          an amazing likeness

                            Dreamless and I set a new PR today at the Ole' 5K 21:11


                            Looks like a PR for big freaking hats, if that's what you mean. Hope a big wind doesn't come along soon...

                            Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

                            I look my best blurry!

                              I do think he had on the biggest freaking hat!  The organizer of the race had a little hat envy.  He didn't run in it or it would have created too much drag.  I had enough trouble dragging his butt along the course without it!