Graph Order (Read 850 times)

    I have a bar graph / chart that shows the total time for each activity per week (run, bike, swim).  The problem is that it doesn't display the same order in each period.  One period it might be (bottom to top) run, bike, swim; the next it might be bike, swim, run.




    Goals: 20:00 5K, 3:30 Marathon, Finish Marathon, 4:00 Marathon, Finish IronMan, 45:00 10K


      This is something I haven't been able to figure out either.  It would be much easier to compare training from one period to the next if the order of the workouts could be pre-defined.  As it is, it seems the order is randomly selected.  Anyone know how to do this? 
      eric :)

        The graph is produced by a graphing package that I use.  One of the complaints I have is that it seems to order the items randomly.  I have no control over it.  According to the company, it's something that can't be done at the moment.  The other complaint I have is it likes to produce fat bars.
          I don't think its random, what ever the last data point was will show on the top of the bar chart.

          Goals: 20:00 5K, 3:30 Marathon, Finish Marathon, 4:00 Marathon, Finish IronMan, 45:00 10K


            I had the same issue, but it isnt random.  If you look at my daily chart, you can see that all the yellow (barefoot running) are on the bottom, and easy runs (green) are on top.


            When I enter my data for the day, I just make sure that I enter the barefoot run at an earlier time of the day (even a minute or so) than the easy runs.  This always puts them on the bottom.


            Unfortunately I am not sure how this translates into the weekly and monthly charts.



              I had the same issue, but it isnt random.  If you look at my daily chart, you can see that all the yellow (barefoot running) are on the bottom, and easy runs (green) are on top.


              When I enter my data for the day, I just make sure that I enter the barefoot run at an earlier time of the day (even a minute or so) than the easy runs.  This always puts them on the bottom.


              Unfortunately I am not sure how this translates into the weekly and monthly charts.



              It translates into RANDOM order on the weekly and monthly bar charts (that's the complaint) but you are correct about the daily bar chart being ordered by start time of that day's events.  Take a look at your weekly chart - wouldn't it be nice to have all the bars different types of runs ordered the same every week?

                the weekly and monthly ones are not random.


                It goes to the first run type of the week and then groups them by those progressively.


                If you look at my weekly for last week.


                Monday = steady (the bottom bar on the weekly graph)

                Wednesday = easy (so it then grabs all my easy runs for the week and then put them here)

                Thusrday = easy (already did this run type so ignoe)

                Friday = Medium (medium goes next)

                Saturday = Easy (already done)

                Sunday = Tempo (this is the last new TYPE of run so it goes last)


                So just to clarify its not random but the only way to control it would be to date your runs in a specfic order and igonre the actual dates they were run on, which of course is not gonna happen/

                Outside Lane

                    If you look at my daily chart, you can see

                   that you have quite a streak going there!  Way to go!  How goes the barefoot running?

                  See how they run...


                    So it looks like it would be possible for the code that passes the data from the database to the graphing library by doing the sorting described above so the library sees the runs as being in the order that would lead to a correctly stacked graph (if you follow me).

                      the weekly and monthly ones are not random.


                      It goes to the first run type of the week and then groups them by those progressively.


                      If you look at my weekly for last week.


                      Monday = steady (the bottom bar on the weekly graph)

                      Wednesday = easy (so it then grabs all my easy runs for the week and then put them here)

                      Thusrday = easy (already did this run type so ignoe)

                      Friday = Medium (medium goes next)

                      Saturday = Easy (already done)

                      Sunday = Tempo (this is the last new TYPE of run so it goes last)


                      So just to clarify its not random but the only way to control it would be to date your runs in a specfic order and igonre the actual dates they were run on, which of course is not gonna happen/


                      It sure does seem to follow that rule on your weekly chart but my  monthly chart (no weekly) doesn't seem to follow that order.  February does follow that rule but January and December don't.  I wonder if it has to do with activities other than running that might be logged?

                        yea i for the life of me can not figure out how the monthly ones work, you would think it would all be the same. I don't have any other activities than running but it still appears random on my monthly graph.

                           that you have quite a streak going there!  Way to go!  How goes the barefoot running?




                          For the most part it is going well, though some cold temps and rains may slow me down a bit this week.  Really cant wait till warmer weather is here for good and I can really get it ramped up (though still slowly so I dont overdo it of course).