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8:30 AM

13.1 mi


8:35 mi


154 bpm
162 bpm


70 F


Awesome hot day for the race. Though no cap on entries, race wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be. Bottleneck at the beginning, but freed up after first mile. No real problems, but just felt like I had no real speed. Hydrated every 2 miles and GU'ed only once. Pace was comfortably hard, but not overwhelming. Hills caused the slowdown. Final hill was a kicker, as always.

Splits: Miles 1 & 2 17.06 (HR 147), mile 3 8.28 (HR 153), mile 4 8.28 (HR 155), mile 5 8.28 (HR 155), mile 6 8.22 (HR 157), mile 7 8.25 (HR 156), mile 8 8.33 (HR 155). mile 9 8.34 (HR 154), mile 10 8.43 (HR 154), mile 11 8.31 (HR 156), mile 12 8.44 (HR 157), mile 13.1 10.13 (HR 157).
