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9.3 mi


7:39 mi


I got lost on my warmup and ended up zigzagging for a while until I figured out where I was. Then I ran by Ruby's house to try and explain but she was out.

I think the pace was faster than this, but it is all guesses. I left at 645 and got back around 8. With stoppage times like going to Ruby's house, I figure that is a good slow estimate. The distance is based off the fact that my watch said 7.8 when I was at Ruby's and she is 1.5 miles away. I must have hit the trash bin on my watch instead of save, because when I went to upload to look at my route it was not there.

I did use the watches find my home feature, which points in the direction of your start and gives how far away you are. So that was nice to use that feature, as I've always been curious. Didn't help a super amount, as finding home was done by going up hill and seeing where I was.

Ruby, Jeremy and Seero were all thinking I was dead. So I'm going to try and run with a phone when I'm meeting up with people in the future. Or I should have turned back earlier, it just added up so slowly. I also never thought anyone would think anything other than, "he must be lost". So I may be overly optimistic.

My first mile was slow, with the second through 4th picking it up. Then I was lost so I think probably slower for the next 2. Then I figured out where I was and picked it back up. I did finally get to the hill and ran one very fast hill.
