Run: Hill Previous Next


9 mi


6:30 mi


Kind of a crappy day out, so I put off running for too long. Planning on doing hills like last week, at 77 pace. Instead I ran a 3 mile warmup, followed by 3 miles of hill on the treadmill, followed by 3 mile cooldown. The hills were somewhat split up, starting at 607 with no hill for a half mile, to get used to the speed, then the other half at an incline of 3, to get used to the hills. The last 2 miles were at an incline of 4 with a speed increase to 6 min miles at a half mile to go. Kind of killed me, but I feel really good about it. Love actually finishing what I start out to do. Also, I really hate the treadmill, so anytime I can actually finish something on there, I'm proud of myself. Incline of 4 isn't really that steep, not quite 45 degrees I would say, but any higher and i would be afraid of hitting my head on the ceiling. Although not incredibly steep, not easy, especially b/c of the distance. Anyway, definately running outside tomorrow. Ran the wu and cd at a very easy pace, starting at 7 minutes and going down gradually to a nice 640 pace. Both felt very easy.

Also tried to drink on my run, which mccann suggested. I was awful at it. Should work on that.
