Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:19 PM

5.5 mi


8.13 mi / hr

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Biked in the woods. Then apparently left my watch on, which both made me mad and curious. mad in that it was dead on monday when I used it again, curious in that it still clocked me as moving 15 or so miles, when I'm fairly sure it didn't move at all. Anyway, biking was fun, but I don't see myself as a mountain biker. Far too rocky. Walked every uphill, because my bike would hit some rock and not be able to go over it, and went slowish on every downhill, because I'm afraid of wiping out. I also scraped up the back of my heel when I hit a bump and my leg got hit by the pedal. Granted my bike isn't amazing, but it isn't awful either. Still fun.
