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9.5 mi

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To work


Home from work. Hit a curb, driving to close to the side. Didn't fall there. Also hit a car with the same problem, again didn't fall, and really just put my hand on it. I think I'm still too wary of cars around me. Presumably they see me, so I should just go with it, but it is hard to cut back in when you're over already, for example when a car is parked on the side so you have to go around.

Glad it wasn't raining, my brakes worked fine. Ordered new brakes, which may or may not fit my bike but will work in the rain. I'll return them if they don't. Also ordered new lighting for my bike, as mine fell off as of today somewhere on my ride. Got new bike shorts as well. So the total cost savings of bike riding for this month are thrown off by the total bike costs (80 dollars for gas in a month and 80 dollars for all these supplies). I'm doing it more for exercise, but still was hoping to save some money.
