Run: Easy Previous Next


2.5 mi


8:49 mi

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Took this pretty easy. I've been a little worried I was moving to fast in getting back into running. My leg is not as flexible as it should be and that worries me (can't reach my butt). While that may not affect running, it definitely indicates I'm not 100%. So took a week off to work on stretching. Now I'm taking it easy and hopefully will be better for it. Did planks after. Waffle was real cool, lied down right next to me and put his paw on my hand while I suffered.

Treadmill was really nice now that it gets dark so early. Ran in New Zealand, although on the beach so fairly flat. This video was a little better in that the camera stayed mostly behind the running guy. Occasionally it tried to show the view and went to the side, and that is very awful, but better than my last one.
