Run: Easy Previous Next


7.3 mi


7:22 mi


Woke up at 7 today. Since my dad sleeps on the couch due to shoulder surgery, I couldn't really watch tv. So I went for a run. Didn't feel great, but I've never liked morning runs. Didn't eat or drink anything before, so that probably hurt me. Wore new wear testers that are more light. Pretty sweet, and I have them for like a month and a half. The wear test doesn't start until next saturday, but I always figure the more miles the better. I need to work on getting into shape for RTB. I realize that I'm too late for Boston. Still going to run it, but slowly, although hopefully not as slow as last year. Just got my cast off thursday, bought a new car friday, so started as soon as possible. My plan is to start at 50 miles, no long runs. Then up the long run while maintaining 50-60. Then increase mileage. Should be fun.
