Run: Easy Previous Next


9.8 mi


6:39 mi


Got lost on this run. I knew I had to turn on the street after Beacon, but I ended up turning after Beacon Avenue, vs Beacon st. So ended up being a little longer, and no where close to what I wanted to run. Did run in Lawrence though, farther in then I ever have before. Eventually I want to run past the movie theater on a long run. Tomorrow I'm running through Lowell on a new run, but since it is long, I have to make sure I don't get lost like this again. Adding a mile after 9 isn't bad, but after 15 or 16 it is awful.

On a positive note, I hit 60 miles and ran 7 days. I think this is the first time I have actually stuck with my goal for the week. Next week I hope to move to 70s. This is where it is going to start getting harder, as that means, short of a double which I will not do or will not count, I cannot have a 5 mile day like I did this week. I can do that though. Bring it on.
