Run: Long Previous Next


26.3 mi


6:56 mi


I didn't wake up today and say, "I'm going to do something crazy today". Nonetheless, it happened. I needed to go long today, b/c I couldn't over the weekend as I was away with friends. When I got home I realized that it was going to get dark in less than 2 hours, so even a normal run would be pushing it, and I wanted to get in 20. So I sucked it up, went down to the treadmill, and set up a playlist of movies. Watched most of Across the Universe, b/c I always see the beginning so I skipped it, and then I watched all of Dr. Horribles Blog. In between this, something happened. Apparently, at 100 minutes, the treadmill stops. This got the scientist inside of me thinking, what happens at 100 laps. By the time the movies were over I was at 22 miles. So I figured, keep going. I also didn't feel bad at all, moving at a comfortable 653 pace, restraining myself from speeding it up even though I kept hitting the front of the treadmill. Once I got to 25 laps, I figured, why not do the marathon, or slightly longer. I don't know the reason, to quote gump, "I just felt like running". It helped that my playlist after the movies ended had, among other great songs, both semicharmed kind of life and its the end of the world as we know it. Good times.

Stopped to pee at miles 2 and 6. Not worried that I have cancer or something though b/c I drink a shitload of water at work and don't move around. So when I do move around, it all wants to come out. Speaking of water, drank one water bottle while running. Not that bad at it, almost didn't spill at all, except when I opened it. Just have to breathe through the nose. I'm writing this right after running, and starting to think that like this run, I've gone too far.
