Run: Fartlek Previous Next


11.6 mi


6:21 mi


Started out as a tempo at mile 3. Felt done before I even started, probably because I'm rapidly increasing mileage. Anyway, called it quits at the high school, when I realized that although my legs were in pain, I was breathing just fine and not really working that hard. Then, for the rest of the run, I picked up when I saw runners in the distance, which happened 3 times in the last 5 miles. Did the warm up 3 miles at 20:50, so the last 8.63 were 6:08 pace. Not amazing, but not bad. The first 2 of those were probably way too fast, I'm guessing sub 6 pace, with the high school mile in the middle being closer to 7 minutes, and the rest being 620-630. Just guessing though based on feel. Glad I got it done. Tomorrow I'll take easy to round off my week. Next week I want to do 3 workouts, tuesday, thursday and saturday, with a hills, a traditional workout, and a tempo on saturday. I guess I'll see how that goes. Also want to hit mid 80s next week. Once I go over 80 in singles, I want to do the rest with my dog, which will be slower, but still a nice way to add on miles.
