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7.3 mi


7:05 mi

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West Loop


Not a good week. Didn't run monday b/c I was tired. From there it was all downhill. Granted the snowstorm kind of killed a day, but the other 3 days I have no excuses except laziness. I blame my coach. I know for a fact that he has no idea what he's doing. Since I'm my own coach, that's still me, so kind of depressing. I'm trying to read up more on running. I also signed up for the Hyannis half feb 27th at the suggestion of alex. Hopefully that will keep me motivated. I want to be able to run it at 6 minute pace. I think I can do that, but we'll see. Goal time might change based on poor training. I'm going to try and run every day until then, preferably in the morning when it is light. Worst comes to worst I'll just go into work later, like 930 vs 9 and stay later. Running at night, especially with no sidewalks and snow blocking most of the shoulder is too dangerous. At least until it melts. Granted, it is cold in the morning, but hopefully I can get through that. Looking back on this when I finally run boston, I'm hoping it will be the turning point, when I started to train hard and well.
