Run: Easy Previous Next


7.3 mi


7:09 mi

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West Loop


Plenty sore today, but ran anyway. Ran with new shoes and felt fine. My feet were a little sore at the end, but I think that is the combo of new shoes and starting to run again. Didn't double yesterday, so it's the end of a stupid tradition. Too bad. I don't have enough stupid traditions. Maybe I'll double on christmas.

My plan is to break 15 in the 5k. I'm not really worried about boston, I figure if I can run that fast, I'll be fine in boston. Anyway, for the next two months, through january, I'll build up my mileage. December will just be easy miles, and january I'll throw in a couple hill workouts a week to get some speed back. I want to start at 40 miles, and end around 100. I also realize that I'm playing hockey and soccer still, although soccer will be over within a month, and that might make it tough to run. So I"m running in the morning, or on the treadmill. Hopefully I'll wake up on time, although the first couple weeks should be easy. Realistically I don't have to leave the house until 820, so if I make lunch the night before, I don't really have to be back at my house until right before 8. So for the first week as long as I get out by 7 I should be fine. Once I'm running for over an hour it's going to get tougher.
