Run: Easy Previous Next


5.6 mi

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Church Loop


Ran a mile with my dog before hand, then did church loop. The mile was pretty slow, and she seemed to be limping after 3/4 of a mile, so I walked her home. Don't really know what happened there, as she is definitely capable of running a mile. I'm thinking she might have stepped on a rock or something and temporarily hurt her foot. Anyway, she was fine when I got back from my run. I think I'm going to start running with her up at the fields to avoid this happening again. I just have to walk a half mile to get there.

Anyway, the run was nice. I plan to try and wake up early tomorrow and not run, followed by waking up early on Friday to actually run. If I can prove to myself that I can wake up, then I know it is just my desire not to run that is keeping me in bed.

Realistically though, I already know I didn't wake up because it is thursday now. There was a truck that woke me up at 530 and then off and on for a while, backing up repeatedly. They're paving the road, so maybe they were transporting supplies or something, but whatever it was I hated it. So I ignored my alarm clock because I needed more sleep. I'll run tonight, slow, and on trails.
