Run: Easy Previous Next


8 mi

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Was planning on running the haggots pond trail, but I saw a new bridge and so I went exploring on the side trails. It turns out there are a lot of trails in that area that I have never explored, including one that circles the pond. I'm going to go exploring later. I got about halfway and realized that I was already looking at around 7 miles, and that would bump it to above 10. So I circled back. I ran the trails behind the school home and cut up my legs pretty badly. It's all the shallow, papercut like wounds that are barely even visible and yet burn anytime sweat or water is there. Eh, what can you do.

This run was a little over an hour. I'm not positive about the distance except to say it was more then the haggots pond run, which I think is 5.5.

I also want to start running in the morning again. The few times I was able to do that were awesome, really makes you feel better the whole day. Plus the main reason I miss runs is conflicts at night, and that would remove those. Not to mention it would avoid the high heat. There are plenty of reasons to do it, I just need to wake up.
