Bike: Race Previous Next


44 km


16.3 mi / hr

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Didn't feel great here. Not because of the bike, which I took relatively easy and still passed a fair amount of people. But because of the rain and cold, it was miserable. The beginning was fine, and then I got colder as I went. The temps were right around 51 degrees F, with a sometimes pouring rain, so not ideal. By the end I was having trouble shifting and my feet were like blocks of ice. But the actual biking didn't really hurt. I went fairly slow, but it was also somewhat hilly. Got to use my dads bike because the old bikes brakes don't work at all in rain, which seems like a huge oversight. Passed many more than passed me, but I still got passed as well. Usually with people on really nice bikes though, or those bullet helmets, which was somewhat comical, as if they were passing me, they weren't going that fast.
