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10.9 mi


7:43 mi

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WPI Track


I think this is the time todd said. I really just was trying to shake out yesterday. Felt pretty good, which is understandable seeing as I didn't go very fast yesterday. Good to get a run in though, I was going to skip today, but I saw todd in the library and he said he was running later with shane and I took that as a sign and ran with them. Going to try to pick my running back up a little bit. The last couple of weeks have been really weak on my part and that is possibly why I ran so bad on saturday. I don't think it really affects your legs that much, but it definately affects your thinking. Today I ran without socks because I didn't have a change of socks and wanted clean socks when I got done. It was a terrible decision, which resulted in a couple of small blisters, one of which looks a sickly red. Never doing that again.
