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16.9 mi


6:27 mi


This honestly felt like a very relaxed pace. I think because I've been killing myself this week, my pace is dropping. I have to watch it and make sure I don't keep this up too much. Easy days are important. That being said, this felt easy and I have little doubt that I could have kept going at that pace for a marathon, or at least another 4 or 5 miles. Tomorrow I'm going to start running with my dog, unless it is raining too much, b/c a wet dog is just not something i like dealing with. Also, the reason I was trying to take it easy was because I felt awful before the run. Not my legs, although they were a little sore, but my stomach. May have drank too much. Beautiful day for a run, cool temps with a slight drizzle and mist for the first 5-6 miles.
