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On the plus side, I can run again. On the negative side I got decked and may be out for a bit because of it. The ball was passed down the middle between the two defense. I had them beat, but as I got to the ball they both slammed into me. I hit the ground hard, specifically my head and side. I did get a yellow out of it, although it should have been red. The funny thing is, we were a little over half field, so A)I would have slowed down once I got the ball and they would have easily caught me or B)I would have kicked the ball forward too much and the goalie would have got it. So sucks that they injured me, should have been a red card.

I have a large bruise on my back. I think I need to start working on my core more, that probably would have made this not as bad. I'll try to run again thursday but I'm doubtful.
