Run: Easy Previous Next


3.2 mi


7:59 mi


First run with stella. Having trouble with motivation so I'm going to start training with her again. Plus she isn't quite as fast, which is a good way to limber up before a run. In this case I ran long right after, after checking for ticks. Going to run on trails, at least on really hot days, because I don't want her burning her feet. Conceivably I can see building up to 6 miles occasionally, maybe 30 or so a week.

Not sure about the distance, due to the trails, so basing this on time and assuming that running with stella and running trails, which are rocky and debris laden, brings me down to 8 minutes. Judging from how tired I got, I would guess it is faster, but a pre decided I would call it 8 minutes, so I'm sticking with that. Plus I was talking to her constantly, probably tired me out. Once I run on the roads I'll know my pace, right now it doesn't really matter.
