Run: Long Previous Next


9.3 mi


7:37 mi


Not positive on the time. Ran with Gabe. I wanted to start doing long runs again, and he through out his house which I've never seen so I jumped at the chance. I was pretty sore from the hike last night. I didn't really feel it until we got to uphills. I know myself though, and when I die I die hard. So rather than force Gabe to run at 9 minute pace, I told him I'd rather cut it short. So I didn't run the 14 that I set out to. Still a good run, and his house is very nice. I need to start sending out emails again for Sunday runs, hopefully get a good group that we can cycle locations. Gabe talked about his new running plan, which was interesting.

I assume it is the hike that made me sore, but it was probably also the fact that I am out of shape. Not that out of shape, but definitely not at 100%. So that is why I really need to start long runs, which I know I will not do by myself.
