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4 mi

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Soccer game at 9, probably will play a large amount, running a fast 4ish miles. So I figure I should record it at least on the plan

Probably an underestimate. I played pretty much the whole game, with 5 minutes off. The first half I was midfield, but we were down 4 players, so I really had to work. Mostly slow running, not a lot of offense. Second half I played stopper until a goal towards the end of the game, not entirely my fault, then midfield again. For stopper there was a lot of sprinting, borderline workout levels, if your workout also took cheap shots kicking your legs.I need new soccer shoes. I'm also incredibly sore. I'm thinking tomorrow is going to be rough, and marathon might be awful.

Training Plan Entry

4 mi

Soccer game at 9, probably will play a large amount, running a fast 4ish miles. So I figure I should record it at least on the plan
