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3:20 PM

5 mi


8:00 mi

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I really enjoy listening to the Marathontalk podcast each week. Each January through March, they have a spring motivation challenge that I participate in. In January (Jantastic) you predict your number of runs for each week in the month. In February (Febulous) you predict the number of runs, along with the length of your longest run each week. In March (Marchvellous) you predict the number of runs per week, longest run per week, and you predict a time for an "all out" run of any length during the month.

I predicted a 5k time of 23:10 during March. I knew I wasn't doing a race, so I ran a time trial today and didn't look at my pace/time until I was done. Here are the times for each kilometer: 4:40, 4:34, 4:42, 4:37, 4:31, for a final time of 23:05. Five seconds off my predicted time!

Also did 3/4 of a mile as a warm up, and a cool down to hit five miles.
