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8:10 PM

15.2 mi


10:23 mi


  • Map


today's goal is to finish a LSD. not sure if it's L or D, but apparently it's pretty S.

route: olentangy trail @ woodruff ave, toward north, passed north broadway and henderson, reached that big lake then turned back when my garmin showed 6.55M. on the way back, I turned east at north broadway, then ran south at high street. the up&downs on high street almost killed my knees.

ate a "zongzi" before starting, and turned out that was a very bad idea. stomach ached two times during the first 2M and I had to pause. Things got better after 3M and I started enjoy the run. Things got even better after 6M probably because the temperature dropped. The trail looked dark around 8M so I ran a little faster. Slowed down again when running on high street. It was 13.6M when I got back to the car, and the pace was like 11, it was so slow that I actually enjoyed it very much and didn't want to stop, so kept running in the parking lot until I got bored and lost patience.

10:34; 10:31; 10:55; 10:49; 10:36; 10:06; 9:54; 9:28; 9:14; 9:22; 10:06; 10:29; 10:55; 11:19; 11:08; 10:51

Oh, I have to write this down. On the high street, somebody shouted from his car "run forest run!".

Isn't that awesome!
