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7:30 AM

5.5 mi


8:18 mi


140 lb



7 / 10
8 / 10
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arlington track

overall interval work avg. 6:04/mile

wanted to get out earlier but had to wait for thunderstorms to pass. still very cool temp at start. sun didn't really come out until last 2 intervals. track wet but not really slippery.

right ankle mild pain. right forefoot also feels a little uncomfortable still in asics, like its a little narrow or just not fitting right. at end of workout felt beginnings of shin splints lower front right shin, very mild. abdominal discomfort towards end of 1200 and later on at home but seem to be fending it off now (10:30/post ice shower).

breathing also felt a little ragged, huffing and puffing against vocal chords a bit. focus on breathing probably why i lost pace on later 800.

feeling pace pretty good though. need mental toughness to stay on it more than physical fitness (for these distances). felt strong still in last 400, really powered finish, keeping stride unnecessarily short and just ratcheting up the cadence.

post-run soaked 10 min in tub (water from well plenty cold for me) to speed recovery time and be ready to go for frisbee this afternoon.
