Run: Easy Previous Next


12:00 PM

8.5 mi


10:36 mi


140 lb


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Wappingers Greenway Trail. Unsure of distances and mileage. It's supposed to be a 10.7 mile figure 8. Lots of walking breaks (getting lost on first loop, struggling running partner on the second loop). so took a long time, but no way it felt anywhere near 10.7. 8.5 a somewhat generous estimate but I did do some running ahead and running back while Emily was walking. and was out there for over 2 hours running/walking, so still some kind of workout, just not the slow steady long run i was anticipating.

right knee pain, pretty mild, but beginnings of runner's knee, think just the increase of being on the roads. also might be new shoes. need to be more careful with both and do some quad strengthening exercises. right ankle felt weary last section of run, pounding down final stretch of road, so i'm thinking it was the road as much as it was anything. otherwise felt great, could of easily gone a few more miles, need to make another attempt sometime at a long run.
