Run: Tempo Previous Next


9:35 AM

3 mi


6:26 mi


153 lb


40 F


4 / 10
7 / 10
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Craig and I started out with the intention of me pacing him through 5k at 6:00 pace. We ran the route that I am imagining as the "Muggy Buggy 5k" that I might start up in the future if I ever get the ambition to try and organize it as a race. The route is north on 92nd-Burleigh-Menomonee-92nd. It's a pretty nice loop with a long, but gently sloped hill in the first 1.25 miles, then a big downhill on Burleigh, then it is pretty flat on Menomonee. The wind was pretty strong from the south, so the first mile was a little fast despite being uphill. Craig was actually a step ahead of me and I was wondering if he was going to pay for it. I pulled ahead of him on Burleigh and he was breathing pretty hard. Near the turn to Menomonee, he said that he would stop at two miles. I encouraged him to hit his split and he came pretty close: 12:06. We jogged the last mile of the course together. I felt like kind of a butthead since 7:21 was feeling pretty slow for me, but it is actually well below his easy pace...whoops...he had just run a 2 mile time trial.

I actually felt pretty good on this run. The faster pace for those couple of miles felt nice on the legs to help work out the junk in them from yesterday. I felt very comfortable.
