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8:00 AM

5 mi


5:44 mi

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Bill Luti 5 miler. I went after it in this race. From previewing the course before I knew I wanted to get out hard. Good first mile at 5:24, right about where I wanted. Into the second mile I was able to push the hill a good bit before making the turn onto Silk Farm and riding the downhill. I guess that uphill really took a toll though and ended up with only a 5:58 mile. That turned out to be a theme for this race; really bad uphills.

Third mile back to 5:24. Nice. This ended up having a good bit of descent, some of it too steep to really take full advantage of I think. Then that fourth mile. Ugh. It was very much a struggle to get up that stretch by St. Paul's. I didn't have the strength to maintain speed up that section or the rolling uphills after it. It really cost me with a 6:03 mile. That last mile I was able to push it but not as hard as I would have liked. The downhill past the nursing home I couldn't go into full neutral mode and it took me a while to accelerate down that neighborhood stretch. I was in a good rhythm once I got to the sidewalk and going around the track. However the muddy grass around the track was a little bit of a hindrance.

Solid race overall, but man those mile split differentials are crazy. 30+ seconds. Really need to work on my hills. Although frankly, I'm surprised I did well at all given how spotty my training is. I really have a lot of potential. Gonna keep fighting like mad to eliminate all extraneous things from my life and focus on getting my running dialed in. I want those workouts, I want the mileage, I want the races.
