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6:45 AM

0.9 mi


7:04 mi


After yesterday and still having my foot hurt when I woke up this morning, I had pretty much decided I was not going to do a real run today. I was still curious about how it would feel while running. Strangely, no pain at all came while running. Still feel it off and on just hanging around right now.

So I did some more research and self-diagnosing and I THINK it is tendonitis, or at least something muscular. I do not feel any pain when standing on it, jumping on it, walking, running, etc. It is most noticeable when my toes are pointed up, like if I keep my foot flat and lift up all my toes it becomes somewhat painful. Also, there was no one spot where I could say, yes, this is where all the pain is. I pressed my thumb into my foot all over, and 2 or 3 spots were worse but nothing really stood out all that much. I think at this point I will still race tomorrow and then take Easter off. Obviously if it gets worse tomorrow to the point where I don't feel comfortable racing I won't, but the fact that it doesn't hurt while running makes me think I'll be alright for a couple of short races. We'll see tomorrow. Then hopefully today off plus Easter off will be enough time for the pain to at least go down significantly.
