Bike: Hill Previous Next


12:23 PM

1.6 mi


10.32 mi / hr


Giant ATX 780


103 bpm
122 bpm
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8x ~1min hard uphill, 2min recovery

60ft climb over 280m / 0.17mi

10mph avg - that's decent maybe? idk

I want to get in a harder effort each week so I did some hill repeats to start. Sorta like the 6x 1min @R + 8x 30sec @R Daniels workout. Except I only did 1min reps and skipped the 30sec. 8 reps was good enough and I was at time anyways. Felt relatively good and consistent. Hard to get it on the watch as I needed to start, then start pedaling, then reach the top, slam the brakes and hit stop. Good enough. What matters is I'm getting the effort in. 8 felt sufficient but I feel like I should do more next time. Or maybe do the 30sec reps. Only those don't have a good starting and ending point. Probably will just stick to 1min or do some other workout next time.
